Java interactive toolkit cool unusual visualizations graphs and charts

Just in case I lose the link again!

This is a link for a javascript based, JQuery visualization toolkit with trees and network graphs.  It allows you to make graphs and charts using JQuery and another one to look into is Sencha touch, which also has nice graphs and charts.

Jquery visualization toolkit with trees and networks

3 Ridiculously Slow Systems for Startup Disruption – Idea dump Monday

The world is too damn slow.

  • Product Delivery.
  • Buying a Home.
  • Education.

Product Delivery

Why does it take 5 days for Amazon to deliver my product from their warehouse less than an hour away?  How could a startup step up and make the process better, faster?

Here’s the ultimate ideal: Continue reading

Megaupload – Burning the Library of Alexandria

Yes it hosted a ton of content considered copyright infringing.

It also stored our collective culture of the last 2 DECADES.

Books, music, movies, games, art.  Petabytes of knowledge and data available to all, without restriction, bias or condition, available for rich and poor alike, the very vision of what a library should be.

The creative work of hundreds of thousands of individuals and groups, large and small…backed up and available for all to view and admire.

And now it’s gone.


Whether you agree with the actions taken against Megaupload that day or not, they’ve affected us all.  We lost something that day guys and we didn’t even realise it…

We lost our collective digital record.

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Startup founders equity split

Someone asked on HN how we go about allocating equity with our “auction” system.  So here it is again:

We total up the cash available and our runway, say $60k for 2 founders and 12 months. Total equity is of course 100%.

So at one extreme, one founder gets $60K over the year in wages and 0% equity while the other gets 100% equity and no wage packet. At the other end, its $30K each for 50% equity each. Somewhere inbetween is a sweet spot.

The core concept is get the cash now, or potentially more later.

Start with the equal split, then begin negotiating for the value per equity point. Eventually you’ll reach a point where you both agree on equity/wage split.

The added bonus is you’ve also technically valued your startup in the process (value per equity point*100) and have an indication of how much your relative belief in the success of the startup.

Since I tend to keep my expenses down and as an example of the last one I took 55% equity for a $7k drop in monthly cash. Cofounder gets a 7K bonus over the year (he was starting a family at the time) and was happy with his 45%.

Voting rights are equal. Always. Do not mess with these in the startup phase as they give a sense of ownership and control that founders need to commit.

Quora Needs To Die

Quora Experts Exchange Fail

Please let Quora die.

“Sign up for free to read the full text. Login if you already have an account.” –

Quora needs to be removed from search results like Expertsexchange for this silly bait and switch.  Having a web 2.0 styling (as Quora does) is not an acceptable excuse.

I might not be Joels biggest fan, but at least he has his head on straight when dealing with visitors to Stack.  Here’s his finest work (Google tech talk regarding Stackoverflow how and why – long, but good):

Joel Spolsky Stackoverflow talk

Search engines need a system of collectively flagging sites like Quora, so I, and everybody else, would never see it in their results ever again.  This is the only way they’ll learn.

And the real kicker is it only turns up when I have an urgent tech problem.

Fuck Quora.