HUDL Tablet Review

Tesco Hudl tablet review.  This review covers what I loved and hated about my new HUDL Android Tablet from Tesco.  I’ll also compare the HUDL to my iPad, iPhone and Samsung Galaxy S4.

How I got My Hudl from Tesco UK

I travel regularly on business into the UK and needed a quick Android tablet in an emergency.  I pulled out the company Credit Card and ran to the nearest supermarket.  Luckily for me, that supermarket was Tesco!  I walked out £119 ($170) lighter and with my new favorite HUDL android tablet.  This thing rocks!

For comparison I will be comparing the hudl to a Samsung Galaxy S4 (unrooted), iPad 3 retina and ipod touch.

HUDL – What I Liked

As you can see already from the above section, I love my new HUDL!  This thing is amazing.  If Apple made an Android tablet but at the same time tried to keep costs down so everyone could purchased, then I believe they would make the HUDL.  Here’s some of the best features:

The price is perfect.  The HUDL is not expensive like the Google Android Nexus 7 ($250).  The price of around $170 is just right.  The Hudl is cheap enough to be a throw away Android device, meaning security can be ignored and you can download all the junkiest anti-privacy apps you can imagine just to test them and not worry about permissions.

The Hudl can play radio in the background.  Yes, all Android devices can do this, but it’s just so easy to play radio on the Hudl!  I started by using the Blink music app that comes prebundled, but Blink music stopped working when I returned to the US.  I downloaded Tunein radio from the Google app store and it’s 100% better than Blink Music.

Long battery life.  The Tesco rep I spoke to when buying claimed the HUDL has 9 hours of battery life.  In charging tests I have done, it does last almost exactly 9 hours of mixed use (internet, movie, apps).  The battery charge is something to leave overnight, like with an ipad.

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2 Responses to HUDL Tablet Review

  1. Pingback: HUDL Review of Reviews – Answering the Haters |

  2. Pingback: How Long to Charge Hudl Tesco Tablet |