Doors and Rooms Escape Cheats and Solutions

Doors&Rooms App Cheats and Solutions for iPhone and iPad. Doors & Rooms is created by Gameday games. The cheats and tips in the solutions here for Doors & Rooms contain the answers to puzzles and contain spoilers.

Doors and Rooms is a room escape style game. Chapter 1 stage 1-10 of Doors and Rooms is the most difficult and the solution to 1-10 is included here.

This is not the full Doors and Rooms walkthrough.  You can find my full guide here: full Doors and Rooms walkthrough, which contains cheats for every stage and every chapter of Doors and Rooms. Please use that guide for solutions to every stage.

Chapter 1 of Doors & Rooms cheats.

Level 1-1 is easy. Just tap the door to open it.

Level 1-2 of Doors & Rooms. Open the slide lock at the bottom of the door. Then tap the door to exit the room.

Level 1-3 of Doors&Rooms. Once you have the hammer from the floor, use it on the see through box to pick up the door key.

Doors and Rooms level 1-4. Get the round container from the highest drawer. Choose to break up the container from inside your inventory screen to get the key. Use the key and escape the room.

Level 1-5 of Doors and Rooms App. From the ground you can pick up batteries and a remote on the far left of the screen. Join these two from your inventory menu. Use this new device on the hole you see in the corner of the wall to see the toy train. Get the key from the toy train to exit.

Stage 1-6 of Doors and Rooms. The note you see has a code: 2531. Use the code machine on the wall to get a key and escape the room.

Stage 1-7 of room escape. On the floor is a gift box. Split it in your inventory to show the tick device. Place the tick device inside the fridge and close the fridge. Wait until the timer ends and the door will open itself.

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4 Responses to Doors and Rooms Escape Cheats and Solutions

  1. All the numbers are missing.

  2. What’s the cheat for the room where you have to find the balance? Ooooo.