Famous Faces Badly Drawn Walkthrough – iPad, iPhone and Android - Page 3

If you know the answers with ??? please leave a comment and I’ll add it to the Famous Faces Badly Drawn guide! (with your name).

Famous Faces Badly Drawn Wolffish Pad.

Chuckie Finster
Judge Dredd
Christopher Walken. Lucky guess nerdr!
Barry White. I remembered that Simpsons episode with the snakes.
Saddam Hussein
Rich Uncle Money Bags

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7 Responses to Famous Faces Badly Drawn Walkthrough – iPad, iPhone and Android - Page 3

  1. After the hockey mask guy in Halibut pad is Steven Tyler.

  2. Pingback: Badly Drawn Faces Quiz Answers – iPad, iPhone and Android | NERDr.com

  3. The last one is Justin Bieber, the one before Tom Cruise is Phineas, the dog is Odie, the one after Doctor Zoidberg is Sleestak, the guy after Godzilla is Speed Racer, the girl after The Thing is Smurfette.

  4. (Capelin Pad) There’s Hitler, Voldemort, Snow white (after bowser), Helena bonham carter (after tweety), steven spielberg, charlie brown, death (after charlie brown), papa smurf.

  5. Halibut Pad: oprah winfrey, bob the builder.

  6. Wollfish Pad: Puss N Boots, Pink panther, peter pan, queen of hearts, sarah jessica parker, cat in the hat, mary j blige, king kong.