Category Archives: Online Marketing

WordPress Google Analytics

Problems adding Google Analytics to wordpress blog. You might be missing as many as 95% of your visits and pageviews! Here is how to add Google Analytics to a wordpress installation correctly without using a plugin.

Add Google Analytics to WordPress blog

A full guide on how to add Analytics to WordPress then is:

  • Login to your Google Analytics service and get the tracking code.
  • Login to your WordPress admin panel at
  • Go to the Appearance menu option and select Wdigets.
  • Drag across a Text widget into the primary widget area.
  • Open the text area by tapping the arrow beside it and paste your Google analytics code in there.
  • Your Google Analytics code will now function correctly!

You can also add the Google Analytics code directly into your WordPress theme footer. I do not recommend this because if you must remember your changes and repeat them if you want to change WordPress themes.

Another way is to use a Google Analytics plugin. I do not recommend this because it means tracking and checking updates to the plugin. The method I have outlined above is what I personally use (you can check the source on this site to see for yourself). The method above is also what I recommend to all my clients and it loads as part of the WordPress menu system.

Installing Google Analytics on WordPress blog

At first, I had copied the Google Analytics code exactly as given from another random website. This did not work in WordPress because wordpress did not recognise the end of the first line, which is Googles comment, as an end comment. This is the exclamation mark, followed by two dashes and a greater than symbol. Because of this comment extending, WordPress viewed the entire Google Analytics code I pasted in as part of an extended comment and did not process it as script.

To quickly fix my tracking code on wordpress, I removed that first line that says Google Analytics inside two triangle signs. It was just a comment anyway and didn’t affect tracking itself.

I didn’t know that my google analytics code was not working on my WordPress blog until I added another analytics mechanism. Then after fixing the Google analytics code my visitors jumped by 1000’s! Which just shows how bad the commenting out was affecting things.

Anyway, check your Google analytics code and make sure it’s working!

Noob Guide To SEO

The Noob guide to SEO, or beginners guide to SEO is what I wish I knew when making my first website. This noob guide to online marketing covers both on-page and off-page SEO and covers only the things that actually work. Let’s get started.

Note: All SEO methods mentioned here are white hat, which means they’re fine to use and Google likes them. Stay away from black hat SEO Techniques which can get you tackled out of the search engines like and Gray hat sits lovingly nestled between the two and is risky. Avoid gray hat SEO tricks unless desperate. Buying SEO backlinks for cash would be a gray hat technique.

On-Page SEO part 1

For on-page SEO, pick out a main keyword to target, together with sub baby keywords. The baby keywords are niche keywords related to the main keyword and usually longer and with less traffic potential for SEO.

For example, your main keyword might be gardening furniture with sub keywords of gardening furniture for gnomes and furniture for gnomes in gardens. The main keyword is the topic you’re discussing and the sub keywords contain parts of the main keyword along with other words.

These sub keywords are important because they help you catch the “long tail” of SEO. Thats the people who search for weird stuff online that’s only mentioned on your site. It’s easy to rank highly for long tail keywords because they’re rare and rarely typed into the search engines. Use many long tail keywords for on-page SEO.

When picking a main keyword, focus on what’s most important. If you have a blog and are in the process of writing an article, stick to things your readers want to know about, do or try. How to guides are popular, as are review of Amazon merchandise.

You can use the Google keyword tool for ideas. Tick the box for exact search to see exact matches and use the global searches column to find the best keywords to target. No fear, go big or go home. Then branch out and tick the phrase box to see the general strength of that keyword. Look for high numbers and sort by global searches. Alternatively set the region in The Google keyword tool to United States and sort by local searches. Again, high number of local searches are the best keywords to target.

A minimum for global searches on the Google keyword tool for exact searches would be about 2600. At position 1 in Google that brings you about 30% of traffic per month, which is 900 unique visitors a month. 900 unique visitors a month is approximately 30 visitors a day.

Article continued on Noob guide to SEO part 2.