Guess The Movie Answers – iPad, iPhone and Android - Page 4

Guess The Movie Answers Level 5.

Ace Ventura
Back To The Future
Blood Diamond
Breakfast At Tiffanys
Charlies Angels
Edward Scissorhands
Face Off
Fight Club
Ghostbusters. Fun movies from the old days before any of us were born.
Ice Age
Jurassic Park. I like the CGI in Jurassic park. The modern CGI is too cartoony.
Little Red Riding Hood

Men In Black
Mission Impossible
No Country For Old Men
Pirates Of The Caribean
Requiem For A Dream
Resident Evil
Star Wars
Sweeney Todd
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The Dark Knight Rises
The Departed
The Exorcist

The Good The Bad And The Ugly
The Green Mile
The Hurt Locker
The Kings Speech
The Lion King
The Matrix
The Pink Panther
The Ring
The Shawshank Redemption
The Social Network. Starring that guy who always plays a teen loser in every movie. Also has the famous line, you know what’s better than a million dollars? A billion dollars.
The Usual Suspects
The X Files
V For Vendetta
You’ve Got Mail.

That’s the end of the the Guess the movie answers walkthrough for now. If any new levels of guess the movie appear I will update the guide with new cheats, hints and tips. I hope you enjoyed these Guess the Movie Answers.

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16 Responses to Guess The Movie Answers – iPad, iPhone and Android - Page 4

  1. District 9 was not a Aussie movie…….It was set in Africa for god sake!!!!.

    • G’day, then why did the guy have an Australian accent mate?.

      • I really hope your joking about district 9 being an Australian movie. It’s set in Johannesburg, South Africa. Yes, in all fairness, the Aussie and South African accent sound similar to the untrained ear, but trust me when I say this movie was based there.

  2. Yes, there’s level 6 and super hard pack now. Also Inglorious Bastards is written Inglorious Basterds on iPad2 :O weird right?.

  3. Pingback: Guess The Movie Super Hard Pack Answers |

  4. Pingback: Guess The Movie Level 6 Answers |

  5. It’s Inglourious Basterds, not Ingoroius Bastards.

  6. Jurassic Park isn’t cgi, its robots.

    • It’s CGI. It was the first big CGI to ever be used in a movie I think. Next was titanic. They did use some robots too for Jurassic Park.

  7. The inglorious bastards doesn’t work i does the little orange thing :/.

  8. Thankyou so much, this website helped me heaps. Would you possibly be able to post the level 6 answers, there is some that im stuck on. Also, there is a level after that on my version called the super hard pack and the only way you can unlock it is to complete evry single answer of level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Thankyou :).

  9. BladeRunner67

    I found the latest hits answers here… hope I helped….

  10. Incant figure out poster6 lvl14 its got a picture of a clown face and a guy falling ive been stuck on this for almost 4 months please help!.