Ipad 2 Ebay statistics

We now have some statistics direct from Ebay headquarters regarding the Apple Ipad 2.  Heres the rundown of the stats covering 2 weeks following the US first exposure sale date of Friday, 11th of March:

  • 35% of Ipad 2 sales on Ebay were to overseas buyers.  Leaving 65% for internal to the US buyers.  Contrast this with the exact opposite last year on release of the Ipad 1 which is no doubt caused by the 6 week delay in new Ipad orders this year.
  • Total Ipad 2 sales over the 2 week period amounted to 12,000.
  • Most popular model for purchase was the Ipad 2 16GB WIFI with no 3g model (the one i’d buy!).
  • In terms of profit margins for sellers, well a clear average of $199 for the 16GB wifi model with the 64 gig going for $250 above retail.
  • The largest profit was from the 64 gb wifi and 3d model at ~$400! a piece.
  • Let us not forget, those are average profits, with no data available as to standard deviations from the mean.  I’d estimate the profits ranged quite comfortably from +-50% from those figures.

Well thats all from the stats desk at Nerdr.com!  Good luck getting your hands on one and best to go to Apple or Amazon if you want it quickly rather than buying used on Ebay.  Its not long to wait!

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