Location of Samsung Galaxy S4 Phone Water Damage Indicator

The location of the water damage indicator on the Samsung Galaxy S4 phone. The moisture sensor paper is under the back cover in a special location. To find and see the water damage indicator paper you will need a Philips screwdriver and your phone.

A plastic pick is also helpful for separating the back casing. I used an old sim card and it worked great, but damaged the old sim card slightly.

Before starting I should say I accept NO liability if you damage your phone, warranty, or anything in any way by doing anything mentioned on this page or any page on this website. You accept total liability for your actions. I am not sure if doing any of this affects your Samsung S4 phone warranty in any way, but it’s your task to find this out before doing the process below to find the water mark warning indicator. You will only be removing 8 screws and removing the back cover with the pick. No electronics are removed or harmed by this process.

Remember to ground yourself before doing anything with electronics because of static electricity. You can ground yourself by touching a grounded central radiator with your hand before starting. A metal door handle might work too, but I’m not sure.

First, turn over your Samsung s4 phone and remove the back cover. Remove the battery, sim card and memory card if you have one.

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11 Responses to Location of Samsung Galaxy S4 Phone Water Damage Indicator

  1. Now I know my s4 has water damage. How do i know what parts are bad and where can I buy the parts to fix the phone. Or do I need to buy another?.

    • Water damage is bad because it causes corrosion to the electronics over time. This is the main reason phone manufacturers like to deny warranty claims if water damage exists in the device. It’s hard to fix because the problems build over many weeks and months. Fix the parts that you notice don’t work, but be prepared to buy a new phone.

  2. So my galxys4has redmark indicator it was working fine but now wont charge ,….

    • You might need a new phone battery for your S4, or the connectors might be rusted.

    • Hi, the same thing happened to my phone this morning. The only place where it did charge was when it was connected to my laptop, but it ended up overheating after ten minutes and automatically stopped charging. Did you have to replace the battery?.

      • Remove the battery and plug the phone in to charge. I’m not sure, but I don’t think the phone needs the battery to work from a power socket. If phone works without overheating, then you will know the battery is the problem.

  3. Hi does entry of water cause the phone to overheat and zap battery like crazy?.

    • Entry to water can short circuit the Samsung s4 battery, yes. In this case the battery will quick discharge and electrocute anything in the water as stored charge dissipates. Be careful.

  4. So, to be clear on the moisture/water damage stickers there was:

    1) one in the battery compartment (yours looks to be a dot, but the one on mine is a square.
    2) One on the battery itself
    3) one under the microphone
    4) Did I see one on the frame when you removed the earphone jack?
    5) Did I also see another near the edge of the phone?

    My phone was dropped in water. I think I did a pretty good job of drying it out but I’ve been told that my voice is breaking up during phone calls, I’m assuming that I did not remove all the water from the microphone seeing as it’s a pressure sensor with a deep silicon cavity.

    Great video by the way, thanks.

  5. There’s a thumb port along the side of the device for you to use your fingernail to remove it. I think its next to the volume rocker.

  6. Awesome job with the video. Thanks for sharing!.