Why spammers spam

As a continuation of the thought process started in part 1, here’s why Spamming really is “worth it”:

  • Time – In the hour it takes to write one article of reasonable quality, I could have a fresh spam blog up and running with 500 pages.  Anyone with an intermediate level of programming skill can easily build systems to automate this process.  Feeds are Continue reading

What is a spammer?

Why do I make websites?

I’ve just realized websites alone have never made me anything resembling serious money and I’ve been making them on and off for about 10 years now.

The original plan this year was to use the Internet to earn a living.  $10 just isn’t enough and it is time to consider my options.

This blog raked in all of $10 since it started a few months ago.  Yes, I do get Continue reading

Hacking the 50-50 Equity Split Using SHAK

I first came across SHAK two years ago.

My flatmate and I had just moved into some newly built rental accommodation.  We’d expected the rooms to be of equal size, but after measuring up, it turned out one room was significantly bigger than the other.  Prior to this we’d decided to split everything evenly – $850 each.

So we have: Continue reading

Groupon Now as Real-Time Real-Space Bargain Hunting

I’m just going to come out and say it:

Groupon Now is a game changer.

In case you haven’t heard, Groupon has today released it’s new location based “GrouponNow” service (Chicago only for now).  Made to give users deals on a time and location limited basis.

And  I think it’s going to be huge. Continue reading

Which Antivirus Is Best

I work as a computer security professional and see about 30 virus infected computers a week come in to our technical department.  The following is what I recommend to our users for their personal home computers when they ask me Which antivirus is best.

OVERVIEW Continue reading