Pic Combo Answers

Pic Combo answers. These are cheats and solutions for Pic Combo on iPhone, ipad and Android. This app is made by the same developers who made Icomania called Games for Friends GmbH. These hints, tips and solutions will help you finish the game fast.

Solutions for level 1 of pic combo.

Candidate. A picture of candy and the date September 18.
Airline, a picture of air and some clouds and tram lines.

Level 2 answers for pic combo.

Eight candles and a light bulb mean candlelight.
A tooth and a hair brush with blond hair is toothbrush.
Spirals of butter or pasta and a nice drawing of a cup of coffee is buttercup.
Lady standing with lots of money falling around her and a small girl in a box is cashbook.
Hiking books near a campsite and some fire is campfire.
A tiny house with red roof and a key together with a chalkboard means keyboard.
A red brain and a crashing wave of water is brainwave.
The pic combo is rain falling on a green frog and a black bow tie. The answer is rainbow.
A red angry man firing a man with a suitcase dressed in white and a soccer ball. The solution to this pic is fireball.
Clouds and an Italian port city means airport.

A gun and some fire or flames stands for gunfire.
Freshly roasted coffee beans or nuts and a white shopping bag represent beanbag.
Toast with a love heart made of butter and a metal circle or pan. The answer is buttermilk.
A cat sleeping on a red pillow and some fish means catfish.
A blue snow scene and a man with folded arms smiling. The solution is snowman.
A lady with a frying pan and a picture of cake, answer is pancake.

Level 3 answers and cheats for Pic Combo.

A traveling luggage bag and a big red book of answers. The cheat is casebook.
Green fruit with water splash and some light bulbs mean limelight.
A knight with a shield and sword fighting in fire and a bail or roll of hay in a big field is battlefield. This is where I was stuck, thanks to everyone in the comments.
A lady hippie artist painting a rainbow and a karate child in white attacking a man in blue is artichoke.
Open handcuffs and a bee is freebie.
A small girl holding up a piggy or pig bank and a musical note. This piccombo solution is banknote.
Five graduated degree holders from university and a child with parents riding bikes or cycles in red is unicycle.
A Buddha statue with flames and a love heart made from apples is head quarters. How is anyone supposed to guess this answer?
a big tidal wave dam with lots of water and a map of Europe or the world with flags on it. The answer is stuck.

Update! Pics Combo answers and cheats guide can be found here. That Piccombo solutions guide has every answer to every question in the game. Hope you like it!

This is the end of the Piccombo answers guide. I hope you enjoyed playing and if you are still stuck you can leave a comment below describing your pictures and say how many letters and what your letters are, and everyone visiting will try to help you solve the pic-combo.

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323 Responses to Pic Combo Answers

  1. I need help with a frog and bow.

  2. Level 12 #448 has me beyond boggled! Any ideas?.

  3. Car looks smashed and a pile of shredded paper.

  4. What’s boots plus fire.

  5. Because 9-3=6.

  6. 13-4=9.

  7. Hang glider + bee

    7 letters…. Any ideas.

  8. Any ideas?.

  9. BadazIwannabe

    Suitcase + big book of amswers.

  10. BadazIwannabe

    Ant + man eating fire.

  11. People around a fire and then a person with red line on his spine?.

  12. Please what is a green arrow facing up + a hand with a small scar?.

  13. A girl drinking water and a squirrel or chipmunk eating bread. I think d first one is swallow’….

  14. Marshmallow +cow…any idea.

  15. This one has a tap with water Annual report chart and a pen on it .

  16. Pls help green arrow facing up+ hand with scar its an 8 letter word been stuck for weeks.

  17. Green arrow+ scar and hand is uppercut.

  18. Pls help. Moneynote+ boy drinking from mug with straw in mouth.

  19. Sorry its freeload*.

  20. Tall wall with a small opening of light and a worm in eater that might b a bathroom.

  21. Darkness.