The Room Walkthrough and Guide – iPad, iPhone and Android
The Room walkthrough and guide for the iPad, iPhone and Android devices. The Room app is created by Fireproof Games and Fireproof Studios Ltd. This guide for The Room contains hints and tips for completing the puzzles, there are spoilers. … Continue reading
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Nerdr finish your guide!!!I’m stuck on the second chapter!!.
I’m working on it Mr Hanks! Stay frosty.
I’m stuck on the tutorial!! I’m trying to fathom out what the pattern of shapes is on the rotating thingy. Help!.
You’ll need to be more specific….
Stuck on Ch.2 angle puzzle. Do the shadows at the top of the tiles (tilt them on their back as far as poss) turn into animals? Maybe I’ve been trying too long – eyes are now shot and I’m probably imagining things. Hope someone finds the solution soon.
I’m working on it right now Sage, but if anyone wants to get in and help go for it!.
What’s the deal with the timing switches and the lights you have to press??? Am stuck!.
Which part is that? I’m up to the cog machine and will update the guide soon with chapter 2.
Re the Timing and sequence.
Press the left button and the timer starts. Pinch out to view the whole thing and rotate table until you see the next button (boxy top of the table thing. Similar location as the 1st timer button). Click button – pinch out and rotate table again to see a third button click on it (actually, this box may open and you pick the key up).
Go back to the 1st button where the light is shining and do the same for the 2nd button (keep pinching out and rotating and pressing the next button until you see object (star).
Am stuck on this bit too! Did you work it out?.
See my post above. Basically, you just need to press one of the hexagons, then rotate the table to find another timer with button, click it, then rotate the table again to find last button which opens up a box with the funny shaped key.
Then do this again but with the other hexagon button (with the light).
Obviously you need to press each button before the previous one runs out.
You should end up with the funny shaped key and a piece for the globe.
Found the old key, but how do I tilt the contraption?.
PAtty, there’s like a million keys in this game! Tilt your device?.
The orbs will light up when you tilt your iPad the correct way.
Ok so Ive worked out that turning the discs turns the metal plates so the draw is free to open. I just can’t find the triangle disc to turn.
Under the right metal plate with the triangle on. Move the metal plate up to reveal, then rotate. I’ve passed this, so will be in the guide on next update.
Hey y’all, I’m on the clock. I’m supposed to set the hands to the correct time. All I have is a photograph and a screwdriver. I have studied the photo but cannot figure out the clue to the time??? Any ideas???.
I’m on this now. Also stuck. Any ideas?.
Use the eye piece and look at the letter. Look on the reverse and it should have a time. You then rotate the long hand to that time.
Thanks Lisa!.
Look at the reverse of the old photograph. It gives a biblical passage. 6.05. Using your glasses you will see clock hands Turn the dial to five past six.
Thanks Anonymous! All done and guide updated with chapter 2.
Thank you very much! I tried to flip the photo over before. Apparently I didn’t try hard enough!!!.
Look at the reverse of the old photo. It gives the clue there.
Then don your glasses and you will see a previously invisible set of clock hands. Set the clock time to the clue from the reverse of the photo.
Anyone know how many chapters there are in The Room game? I’ve just finished chapter 2 and I’m exhausted!.
Can anyone tell me how to get the cogs to mesh. The rubber band doesn’t seem to do anything.
Full chapter 2 guide is now complete and added above. For the cogs, try the different combinations. The elastic band attaches the top cog to the second to top cog.
Just completed it. There are four chapters. But I swear they got easier as I went on.
I was typing the end for chapter 3 and missed the awesome table opening :SAD FACE: Now I’ll have to play the entire game again just to see it! It’s awesome so far though, and even after nearly 5000 words typed in this guide I’m still looking forward to chapter 4.
It gets strange but visuals get even better. Just wish there’d of been more to do.
On chapter 3, also stuck on the light turning sequence! Can anyone help?! Driving me nuts!.
I’ve just updated the guide with the complete chapter 3. Press the metered button, then zoom out and spin the table until you see the newly opened meter. Press that and zoom out and repeat. You do it once for each botton on the main meter.
I’m stuck on chapter 4 with the red and blue gem buttons.
HH, Do you mean on the grid on the table? Look through the eyepiece and see if you see a pattern anywhere. The guide is now finished and includes a complete chapter 4 walkthrough, so you can just take a look!.
Stuck on chapter 2 , the double hinged key that goes in the front of the safe. I have the two parts rotated to line up with the key hole but the key won’t go in. Is there anything special I have to do to get the key in?.
I am stuck on this too, any help please?????.
I’m stuck too. How to move the darn key?.
I am stuck on the clock. I set the time correct, and nothing happens? Game glitch? I don’t get to chapter 3 :(.
Set it to 6.05. One is the hours hand, one is smaller and for minutes, so be sure that you are setting the clock correctly!.
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What is the settings for the four gold coins to open the drawer?.
Hey bg, which chapter?.
Ch. 2 I think they are are the coins. They have one brown area in 1/4 of the sides.
Right! That’s the 4 corner coins blocking the drawer. Find the coins in the locations listed in the guide. Then rotate each coin so the dark quarter of each coin is over the corner drawer part for that coin.
Ok, so maybe I’m having a stupid. I still can’t work the cog machine. I moved the the switch to put the lower gold cog to the right of the machine, attach and rotate what? I cannot rotate the sphere at the front of the cog machine. I can’t brain today, I have the dim!.
CG, the game takes around 20-30 minutes on just that cog machine so you will have to be more specific. The first time you work the cog machine you place the cog on the left, flick the switch and rotate the thing to start “stage 1” of the machine.
I have an elastic band, a screw driver and three cogs. All are still in on the ‘shelf’ tried rotating the handle and still nothing. A glitch of brain or game?.
I have an elastic band, a screwdriver and three cogs. All still on the shelf. Am I missing the obvious. Nothing is happening when I rotate the bottom gold cog after moving it to the right.
You can change the cog positions. Use the cogs and elastic band on the left of the cog machine to activate the second and third spinners at the top of the left side of the cog machine.
Is there a trick to opening the drawer by turning the gold knobs in chap 2? Do they need a spesh sequence or to face a certain way? It’s doing my head in…. Help!.
Yep, the dark quarters are like empty space. Rotate the gold knobs to make each hole cover the corner of the drawer so it can open!.
Loving the game ……but is everyone else’s game silent also? I think it’s missing atmosphere without any sound……or is my download not working properly? Have checked all settings and can’t see anything turned off…….
Helenesse1, love the name! The room has some amazing sound. Don’t miss it. My guess is you have the audio muted, but the fastest fix is u install then reinstall the game. For testing, play a quick Youtube video.
You’re a wee hero! The silence was driving me nuts – I had the volume button on the side of my iPad cancelling out the volume as I was muting it or something….Got the sound now – awesome!!! Cheers bud! :-).
I’m stuck at the wooden circle in chapter 2. I switch on the magic lens and rotate the circle and move the piece over to the empty space but then the dial locks – even with the lower right piece out of the way!.
Bridgett! There are two pieces, one left, one right. Move one piece to the empty space, then move the other piece into the holder itself.
I’m stuck on chapter 2 and can’t work out what the word is ending with L please someone help.
Did you read the guide? Cos it’s right there!
SIGIL i think. Or trail….
I can’t get past chapter 2 … Have found the shape from the drawer that pops out but don’t know what the 3 shapes are to put together to get the key…..Help?!.
Can’t make the two hinged key fit into the lock in Chapter 2 despite it being lined up correctly, any ideas please…….?.
I have unlocked the drawer in ch 2 and before I got a chance to view the contents of the drawer there was a cog in my inventory and the drawer had closed. Now I read their was is an elastic band in the drawer and I can’t get it to open even thou it is in the unlocked position.
There are many drawers, are you sure it was the one with the band?.
Chapter 2 – clue 3 of 3
‘I’ll need to use the gap in the ring to make a space for the bolts of the Q shaped panel’
huh? Anyone know which ring, which bolts or which ‘q’ shaped panel?
Cathy, use the guide doll. Forget the clues, they’re useless.
Thanks, Nerdr, but I don’t think I have seen a ‘guide doll’ of any kind. Do you mean, ‘use the guide, doll!’?
Loving the game :-).
Haha, yes ;).
Can someone tell me what the gold button pattern is?!.
Please could somebody tell me how to use the two hinged key, I’ve lined it up but that’s as far as it goes? Getting really frustrated! :).
2 hinged key? My advice would be: try every position at least once and swipe the screen to change the angle to make it easier to see.
Once you have made the key remember to insert it!.
Thanks, have made the key, but can’t put it in the lock? It’s driving me insane! Lol have lines it up etc but can’t move the damn thing…..
Are you sure it’s the right lock?.
Yes, when I touch the key it takes me to the lock, every thing is lined up and the shape is identical to the lock, but I can’t seem to “take ” the key to the lock, how do I do this? Thanks.
Yes it’s the right lock, and everything is correct? Can’t move the key towards the lock?.
If you can’t drag and drop the key on to the lock then it might be the wrong lock…that’s all i’ve got.
Hello there! Thanks for providing this great walk-through! This is an awesome game. I love the HD graphics, very immersing.
I have a question about the ORBS … They are not moving very much when I swipe on my iPad 2. Do you know if there is a special technique to this or is there a bug in the game?
Orbs…hmmm, tilt your device? If i’m thinking of the correct orbs they move using the gyroscope of your iPad.