The Room Walkthrough and Guide – iPad, iPhone and Android
The Room walkthrough and guide for the iPad, iPhone and Android devices. The Room app is created by Fireproof Games and Fireproof Studios Ltd. This guide for The Room contains hints and tips for completing the puzzles, there are spoilers. … Continue reading
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Help!!! Stuck since hours :((( i have the peculiar Key but can’t find the keyhole that should appear on top of the box . Some hint here? Can you describe maybe. All on top? There are the knights that could help to describe the position.
I purchased The Room afew days ago and immediately got addicted. It worked fine for two days. When I updated my iPAd 2 to osi 6 the game stopped working. Audio works but no visual. Can I do anything?.
Try an uninstall and reinstall of the room app. Audio or video problems usually don’t fix themselves. Or double tap the home button to bring up the applications bar and remove from ram memory. Oh, you could try a reset too.
I’ve set the time to 6:05 and nothing has happened, what have I done wrong?.
Were you looking through the magic eyeglass when you set the time? There real minute and hour hands are hidden and only visible with the eyepiece attached.
Thanks for the reply Nerdr. Yes I was using the eyepiece, the hands are ghostly green. Am I supposed to do anything else after I set the time?.
Baggy, I don’t remember doing anything after. I set the time and it worked. One is the hour hand and the other is for minutes. Also, because the game only moves forward if you do all the actions it would expect before you could solve the problem, I’d say: have you looked at the back of the photograph in your game?.
Can anyone help I’m stuck on the bit where you have to spin the the middle of the table while looking through the eye piece it has arrows if spun it so many times and nothing can anyone help?X.
Where do I get the map piece (Tibet?).
Locations of all map pieces are in the guide. Sorry, I can’t remember which was Tibet! Did you press both buttons in the table meter?.
Nerdr, I’m on the golden sun amulet, that rotates the arrows in the middle and the large wooden block. How do you know how to line the arrows up? I must be dense. I thought I tried all the combinations….
You mean on the final table Skyler? If you rotate the wooden block you will see a grid pattern from its “windows”. I have included the code in the guide, enter that code in the table to move to the next part. If I remember correctly you never have to line up the arrows to solve any puzzles, it just helps you see things better.
Nerdr, thank you. I appreciate your walkthrough and your quick responses. It was the best game I’ve played in many years since the game 7th hour that was on giant floppy discs! And I’m not THAT old :).
Haha, it’s an awesome game isn’t it! And thanks for the appreciation, have you tried the 7th guest app? If yes, would you recommend it?.
‘Zoom in and swipe the lower right hand corner switch down so it is not in our way and to make space.’
Will not swipe down out of the way, will not budge???
Help please, Don.
Is this the circular wood panel part? Use the eyepiece to see things that are hidden. The lower right switch should easily move down…not sure what else to say really! Eyepiece.
Is this the circular wood panel part? Use the eyepiece to see things that are hidden. The lower right switch should easily move down…not sure what else to say really! Eyepiece.
Yes, lower right switch will not budge, can easily see/move bolts and inter circle. Do I have to back off and solve something else first? Thanks, Don.
Not sure drweiler, all I can say is it worked on my version…try leaving eyepiece mode and try it? Sorry!.
Rob from Fire Wall got back to us straight away about the bug. We had to restart the chapter and it worked. Cheers, Don.
I found the gold circles but do not understand how to rotate them to open the drawer. Help!.
The dark part of the circles has to cover the corner of the drawer for that symbol. So to solve, rotate the circles that match the symbol until the dark quarter of the gold circle covers the corner. Then the drawer can open.
Hi Nerd,
I am having trouble with the 2nd room. Clue 3/3. I have pressed all the buttons in the time period but nothing happens. I am stuck!.
Is this the meter puzzle? Keep spinning the table and look carefully, you might be missing missing the last button.
How do you tilt the contraption to make the orbs move?.
Tilt your iPad to make the orbs move in the room app.
Lisa C- Thank you Thank you. I was trying to use star pad. Obviously wrong LOL.
Got the key.
I am still stuck on lining up the shapes in The Room I have tried every combination and when I match them up nothing happens can you help me?.
Ok.. Was doing really well until chapter 3. I’m stumped by the globe and the clue about turning it. Help?.
You mean the big globe? To solve: place the map pieces you find on the globe.
I dont see any pattern when i look thru the telescope and im stuck! The timer is going but i have no idea what to press!”
Look through the telescope and you will see a pattern.
Move quickly to the panel to the left of the big globe and enter those lights into the puzzle piece. You get the square piece of map and a letter.
Use the magic eyepiece when looking through the telescope! I think that code was from the star constellation….
I have used both buttons on the meter and neither are lit now. If I look thru the telescope using magic lens I get SIGIL. If I tap this the ground shakes into white explosion then I go back to normal view. I have the universe above me and I have the square handle. But this handle will not fit into square shaped hole beside brass circle with curved, radial lines. I still need the square map piece.
I’m wondering if it is still possible to get the square piece at this stage? Do I need to start again? :-(.
Cathy, deep breath
Wasn’t the square map piece hidden in the hidden drawer compartment? Check the guide, it’s in there somewhere. It is very unlikely that your game will have missed something!.
Im still stuck someone please help. When i flip the 2 switches and the timer starts what am i meant to do after that?? Which buttons should i press ? I havent been able to play all day lol thanks.
Start timer then zoom out.
I’m really stuck at the part, where you have a box at the bottom that you can slide and a rotating circle on top (the left of the clogs part) Ive used the the glasses but i dont get how the lines match. Please help!!.
Ok Guys – i think i might be RUMBLED here… I am at the stage where there is the big gold circle on the book side of the chest you need to rotate them to lign them up – what am i doing wrong.
Greg! Use the magic eyepiece you have to see the real puzzle markings on the gold circle. If you don’t have the magic part of the eyepiece yet (which shows the glowing markings), then pick that up first. The Room.
Hi Nerd,
After finishing the game, I found it way too short. I thought the graphics we great but with No story line and much less than three hours playing time I will probably not buy The Room 2. What do you think?.
For me, the room 2 is a day one purchase if they can maintain the quality and I think $2.99 would be the pricing sweet spot (that’s £1.99 for you brits
). But with apps you can always lower the price, but never raise it, else people complain, so I guess that’s why they went “large”.
I think to really appreciate the room, you have to treat it not as a game, but as an experience. The way the sounds, visuals and story all fit together results in a beautiful atmospheric experience that just takes you right into the moment. It’s a luxury product to be enjoyed slowly, not meant as a time wasting collect the gold coins type which we’re all used to on our iDevices at this point.
Yes, it is short at just 3 hours and yes the price is high, but I say it’s just in another class and worth it. Even if just to encourage more app developers to make similar games.
Lastly, It’s hard to think what they could do that would be unique for the room 2. I mean, the stories basically over once you finish the room, right? The journey to return maybe? And the puzzles covered nearly every possibility. Not much more you can do with drawers and rotating sliders. I look forward to it still.
Anyone else?.
Can someone please reply? I feel like im being ignored and really want to play lol.
Isy! Which chapter and which puzzle?.
I wrote it below i have the light switch is that chap 2? But then the timer goes off and i dunno what to do next lol :).
Hey Isabella, julzzzz replied to your earlier question about the lights. Does that solve the problem?.
Thank u :).
What do these buttons below the light do? Well, you need to press the right button, zoom out, find the newly opened button just below the top of the table in a similar position to the first buttons. Press that button, then zoom out again. Then find another meter button. Press that and finally get a piece of map.
This is what to do with the meters. One is next table leg over just below the top just like where the first meters are. The other is like 3 table legs in the other direction. My least favorite puzzle as it was timed. Found it hard to zoom out, find the other meters, zoom back in and press the buttons all before the time was up. But otherwise a great game! I was impressed at the variety and complexity. Beautiful with good music too. Definitely will be looking for the next version!.
Thanks i have done this but no puzzle piece appears. Where is it meant to appear? Other than that i have found the 3 metres but upon pressing the third button nothing happens thanks again.
When you press the third button it opens up another similar flap that contains a map piece. Spin the table and look closely.
It worked thankksssssssssssssssss.
Please help me. I am turning the gold amulet to turn the arrows and I can’t get passed. What position do the arrows need to be in??.
If this is on chapter 4 of the room then I think the arrows are not a solution to any of the puzzles. They just help you rotate the box in the mirror later!.
Hi Nerd,
Can you recommend any other games. I love puzzle games like this one. I do like them to have a story if possible.
Finished! Loved this game. Can anyone suggest a other similar game for the ipad.? Thanks x.
NikNak! The lovely snack. I’ve replied to a comment by The Room Addict with a recommendation, take a look.
The key feels like it hinges in two places instead of one…..I’m stuck on this please help!.
Can’t make the lock, please, pretty please help.
Use your eyepiece to see what’s really hidden here. Remake the symbol from the 3 pieces by moving the camera to show a lock. Insert your big cross key into the keyhole and turn it clockwise to loosen the small side drawer panel.
How do you remake the symbols? I spent 30 minutes trying to tilt and rock looking at the symbol and having no luck. And if I get close I can’t pick up my key to put it in what I think might be the lock. Thanks for all you have done already to assist us all.
Morgan, swipe the screen to get the view just right and make the hexagon symbol thing from the lines. You might need to zoom in first. Right, I just played the game again, it is very difficult to see how they line up. One card above, one below and the floating symbol is the middle.
Also, these symbols are not on the cross key lock itself but on the long thin drawer with a hexagon symbol that opens after you match the gyroscope orbs. This long thin drawer is just under the cross key lock.
Match the symbols first then the lock lock will be opened up to let you put the cross key in.
And thanks for the appreciation!.
Nerd, I guess you do not recommend other games????.
Haha, not at all Cindy! I’ve spent all day working on a new project http://skimfeed.Com.
For games like The Room I can only think of one recent puzzle app that is up to this level of polish. That would be The Curse. Although be aware that the curse is 100 puzzles and at times very grindy. I quit at puzzle 50 after doing all the riddles and we collaborated in the comments to complete the walkthrough here. Even so, at $0.99 it’s well worth it.
How about you? Know any other games like The Room or similar?.