The Room Walkthrough and Guide – iPad, iPhone and Android
The Room walkthrough and guide for the iPad, iPhone and Android devices. The Room app is created by Fireproof Games and Fireproof Studios Ltd. This guide for The Room contains hints and tips for completing the puzzles, there are spoilers. … Continue reading
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I am stuck on chapter 3 there I have to try and get the keys into the cross shape. I’ve been trying for hours and can’t g anywhere.
Someone please help. :).
Is this the complicated key with like 6 possible keys? Easiest advice I can give is to move the camera behind the key so you can see the keys and the lock clearly and that each hole has only one key allocated to it.
I’m stuck with the key puzzle any help?.
Have finished the game, pity it its so short as chapter 4 seems to go so quickly once you have completed chapter 3.
Best hint I can give everyone without spoiling things is to use the eye piece whenever the slightly holographic wooden tablet or screen appears and remember that if something turns and it is not immediate apparent that there is an effect then look to see if something else is moving at the same time.
I can’t get the image to line up in the big screen. I’ve pinched it turned it but no go.
Don’t think you have to use all the keys. Just use the three that you need and store the others in the bulb shaped bottom.
Chapter Three Across key emblem is cut into the wood, can not get the key to match up please help.
Yeah it’s the one with 6 keys. I’ve been at it again for a while and still can’t seem to get it. Any clues? Ha.
Zoom in to the lock. Drag and drop the key over the lock. Now move camera angle to just behind the key. Move keys until you find the key that match each keyhole. Exit view using small arrow on the right. Drag and drop key on to the lock once again! Done :). Kinda….
You only need 3 of the keys to match.
I love this game but I too am stuck with the cross cut key. I think I have it lined up correctly but I can’t get it to move into the space. All suggestions welcome!.
You need to do some other puzzles first before opening the
Thin wood panel so the key can fit.
Needing help on the circular piece and square piece making the symbol!!! I’ve been stuck on it for three days. I’ve aligned and looked from the right angle to no avail :(( Can someone please help??.
Pandita! You can move the circular piece AND the square piece. The final angle of the camera was looking at it from the lower left.
I finally got it!! Thank you so much!! :).
Hello, love this game so much!! Please can you help.? I am stuck in chapter 3 on the puzzle where you have to get the ball across by swivelling the middle and running it along the lines. I have been at it for ages and I can not see the solution… Probably being very stupid!!!.
Ah yes! This is an interesting puzzle. Okay, so you start from the left, move up to the top, then down, then right. The difficult part is from top to bottom, because you think the only way is to go left, but it’s not. There is a connection that moves you from top to bottom. Find this and then bottom to right is easy.
What if I forgot to get the elastic band from the drawer? I can’t seem to get into that drawer any longer. Will I have to start over?.
You’re not the first to get stuck on that Nicky. The other lass said she restarted. It’s a shame but you still have over half the game to go if that’s any consolation and the best bits are still to come :).
Thanks so much! It’s awesome that you reply so quickly and to nearly everyone. Appreciate the time you spent/spend on this!.
Thank you!!.
Hi, everyone what a fantastic game this is, and already I’m stuck and I’ve only just got past chapter 1. Can anyone help me on my way – I’m at the Q shape part, and the clue is ‘I’LL NEED TO USE THE GAP IN THE RING TO MAKE A SPACE FOR THE BOLTS OF THE Q SHAPED PANEL’. I can see with the glasses that the internal ring moves, I have aligned this up (I think), but still nothing happens?.
Hey sherly, the part you can move round is a holder for the pieces in the middle. Align, then slide the left central piece into this holder. Then down into the lower right of the Q. More detail in the guide.
I aligned the center with the wheel and slid the piece to the right. Now it is stuck there and I cannot do anything with it except slide the lower right switch on the Q up and down. Any ideas on what to do now?.
Hello computer friend this game is great, but I am stuck on stage 4 I think, there is amulate that turns some arrows which glow green when you look through the spy glass , then you look through the wood panels. I that make sense. Help please.
Liz, the amulet turning the arrows is for later in the level. Look through the wood with the magic spy glass.
Then what happens.
The best part of the game is the unbelievable graphics!!! Great! The things that I did not like was it was too short for the price. I also found the story (if there was one) ridiculous. I would buy the game again if you fixed those two things.
Hi Nerdr. Just want to say thanks for help with the puzzle thing! I solved it in seconds after your reply! Allie.
Help, stuck in chapter II where you have to push one of the two buttons and start the timer and then push buttons in a sequence. I’m assuming it’s the panel with all the pentagons that one needs to push, but I’m stumped as to how to get them all to light up or . . . ? Any tips, please?.
No it isn’t that panel yet. Push the button . Zoom out. Spin the box until you find a similar timer and button towards the top of the box. Press the button quickly and keep doing this spinning and pushing and zooming till you find a puzzle piece.
Ok,I am about quit I am at the first chapter on clue 3/3 I have the eye piece and lens and think I have the design lined up on the safe, now how do I get out of this and continue it won’t give any other clues just use the eye piece and len. What am I doing wrong? HELP! ASAP!.
When you have the design properly lined up it should unlock something. Use the eyepiece to see the read pattern of course, and remember the middle circle is part of the pattern too! Hope that helps.
If not, you might have a rare bug. Restart chapter.
Help! I am stuck on the bit with the cogs and I can’t seem to find where to put the cog to operate the gears, can you help?.
Rocky. The cogs attach to the prongs on the side of the machine. Remember to flick the switch in the bottom left too to make the cogs connect.
Hi thanks for the quick reply, however I must be doing something wrong as I’ve held cogs over the prongs and nothing happens.. I have 3 cogs, any ideas?.
Oh just got it! Used the band!.
Thank you! It worked! Now I am at the top of the safe w/the orbs, can’t tilt any more to have them turn upwards. I read in other comments that I need a GYROSCOPE? I have an i pad so now what is it? And how do I get it to work. This is really a cool game, and your help is appreciated.
Erin! Your iPad contains a gyroscope. Simply move the iPad around until the orbs “set” into position and light up.
Thanks for the appreciation!!.
Hi I am on the picture of the goat but nothing has happened !!!.
Hi Karen and sorry! I can’t remember any of the puzzles in this game it’s been too long…if anyone else wants to comment I’ll let it through.
I am really stuck I am on the moving disc which makes a goat.
Wow, thanks!, might have to botter you again, hopefully not to soon!.
Been going fine but I can’t get the telescope on to the brass stands in level 2.
Can you help me?
Tap the telescope on your items and tap again to open it out. Then attach?.
Hey I’m stuck on chapter 3 trying to get the draw open by moving the symbols located on and around the box but to no avail. Been trying for 2 days now! Is there something that i am missing. I have tried so many combinations!!.
Paul, Chapter 3? Or chapter 2? If it’s chapter 2, then make sure the dark corners of the symbol are over the drawer. If this isn’t it, more details needed!.
I’m stuck on chapter 2 -I can’t find the telescope? Do I set the code with the Chinese charters?.
Stuck in Chapter 3…the star panel with buttons to be pushed in the allotted time. I’ve looked through the telescope and I see a grid but nothing really stands out. I have no idea what star buttons to push while the timer ticks down. Help?!.
Hello, just wondering if anyone can help?! I have got to the part where I need to rotate 4 brass ‘buttons’ with symbols to allow the corners of the buttons to release a draw…….. Only thing is I can’t find the button with the triangle on it to release the top right corner. Any ideas where on the box I can find this?
Many thanks
Natz! Answer in the guide, lift up the silver panel on the right side of the device with the triangle image. Then use other finger to rotate.
Cool game with super graphics! I am glad your notes were here as I did need them a couple of times to get unstuck! But once I got the hang of how things were working the game did speed up. For the people that complain about it being too short for the price…. I say GET REAL!! This was a highly detailed and wonderfully rendered “product” that provides most who try it with several hours (and for some days lol) of engrossing entertainment — you pay a lot more if you go to a movie for the same or less time or for some fast food meals that are gone in a few minutes and definitely don’t appeal to the mind and senses like this game!! I agree that the “story” had no real plot or connection to actually solving the puzzles… Could have done it without reading the letters at all — the clues are the main thing but in a few places they weren’t the best so like I said if I hadn’t found your cheat sheet I’d probably still be stuck in THE ROOM (cue the cool mysterious music)!! Thanks!!!.
The Room really was something else wasn’t it and stands proudly as Nerdr puzzle game of the year so far. I replayed it on Sunday and it has great replay value even if you know all the answers. And of course, you know where to find THE BEST guide :).
I’m currently writing guides for Teralumina games, they’re free on the app store and not good enough to pay for. But they are fun and short, around 20 minutes each. Try them! Start with Diamond Penthouse escape 1. For the guides, search for the game name and just add Nerdr to the end to get straight to the guides here.
@nerdr thank you!
just completed….Loved the game, thanks for the help!.
Greeting oh great God or Godess of THE ROOM
Eek…Grrrr….Was doing great, but am now stuck. Cannot figure out what or where are the “buttons below the light” or light meters or lights on top of the table as you described. All I have is the meter with the 2pentagram buttons and it snaps closed every time I push a button. I have the telescope and the wooden box and map piece. I adjusted the laser beam and it lit up all the white buttons and shines up to the stars, but cannot find the buttons to push. Please don’t tell me I have to start over…if you restart does it go all the way back to the beginning or to the beginning of the chapter?.
Thanks to NOVICE GAMER’s advice (Oct. 3) I resolved the button and meter puzzle. Nerder, you indicated to zoom out and look for the similar buttons at the “top of the table”….NG said to look “TOWARDS the top of the box”. Got it…now onward and upward or wherever….
Nerdr! No e before the r
yeah, that table pinch out pinch in is a sticky point for nearly everyone who playa. Glad you got it. You’re nearly finished trooper, chapter 4 is quite short compared to the others, but good. Definitely good.
Hello the brass plate with the letter l ??? Where is that ?? Please help.
Great great game!
But am stuck, too.
On the top (chapter III?): I don’t know how to rotate the amulet.
Turning it left or right? I use the eyepiece and see the arrows.
Does that mean anything?
Thanx for help and greetings from bavaria.