Startup App Review also known as trap!t and trapit is a new iPad app based startup. I recommend trying it out and here’s why.

I downloaded the app today on my iPad after a friend mentioned it. She knows I recently deleted the flipboard app because it had become slow, boring and irrelevant and I had been looking out for a replacement to recommend. is the Flipboard replacement we need, it’s Flipboard 2.0. works by taking keywords, then intelligently gathering data and articles related to those keywords. The more keywords you add to trapit the more it knows about you and the better the suggested articles. Trapit is free and available on the appstore to download right now.

The look and feel of trapit is bulky but pretty. It feels slightly slow at times, especially when gathering new information. However, the information and articles returned are of very high quality and relevant. Trapit is like stumbleupon 3.0 and actually useful.

My major complaint on the usability of trapit is it does not display a lot of information on screen. There is lots of scrolling and swiping required to use the app. Sometimes I just want to read interesting articles and not have to scroll everywhere.

I am concerned about privacy on the data it collects and could not find any information or terms and condition regarding how trapit will use the information gathered. For this reason I unfortunately deleted it. If privacy is of no concern to you, then get trapit. I might download trapit again, but I will keep it for general browsing and not medical research or anything work related. Edit – for those interested, Gary Griffiths from Trapit has left a comment below linking to trapits privacy policy.

Trapit is great and I highly recommend it, 5/5 stars.

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2 Responses to Startup App Review

  1. Thanks for the review. You can find Trapit’s privacy policy statement here:

    • Hey Gary, thanks for the link, I’ve reinstalled. You guys really have something awesome with trapit and it leaves Flipboard in the dust.

      I hope you’re tracking drops from that sign up page. I would have preferred to login as a guest until i’m sure. Also the password needing to be 8 characters long and contain a number is a waste of time on an app like this and stops me getting to the meat.

      I would have given up at both those points had I not wanted to write up a review. Maybe tie it up to device UDID and leave signup for later.