100 Floors Christmas Walkthrough and Guide – iPad, iPhone and Android

100 Floors Christmas walkthrough and guide for the iPad, iPhone and Android devices. The 100 Floors Christmas app is created by Gameday games. This guide for Doors and Rooms contains help, hints and tips for completing the 100 Floors Christmas puzzles, there are spoilers because this guide tells you how to escape the rooms.

100 Floors Christmas answers and walkthrough.

100 Floors Christmas Level 1. Tap the second button once. Third button once and fourth button 4 times. Then tap the first button on the last row 6 times and the second button on the bottom row 4 times.

100 Floors Christmas Level 2. Arrange the stars in a pyramid pattern. Move the middle star down and to the right, top right star to bottom middle and top left star down and to the left. Easy rearrange the pieces to open the door and exit. Press the lift button on the right to open the door.

100 Floors Christmas Level 3. Tap the light switch on the left to turn out the light. Drag and move the present that falls to the left. Pick up the key and other part that falls. Tap the key and press on the door to open and exit the floor.

100 Floors Christmas Level 4. You can drag and move around the pieces. Left side up two. Middle column down 1. Middle row left 1. Middle column up 2. Bottom row left 2. Middle column down 1. Bottom row right 1. Top row right 1 and right column up 1. Finally, top row left 1 to exit the room. Checked by Nerdr.com.

100 Floors Christmas Level 5. Pick up the axe/hammer on the right of the screen. Use the hammer to smash the glass lift button holder. The snowflakes on the door are part of the puzzle. Press all 4 corner snowflakes and the middle snowflake. Now press the button to open the door and exit the floor.

100 Floors Christmas Level 6. Answer to complete the puzzle and exit the floor. First move the blue square to the hole. Then move a red all the way left to where the blue came from. Then move the lower red up and left near the other red square. Now move the blue square to the right red column bottom.

Now move the waiting red on the left to the hole and the other red on the left back to the red column. Move the bottom left blue to the right side and the red from the hole to the bottom of the left blue column.

Move the second blue on the left column to the hole and the left red up to second position on the left column. Move the waiting blue to the bottom of the left column. Move a red from the right to the left. You have 1 blue in hole, BRRB on left and RREB on right.

Move red in position 2 from the right to the left and the blue from the hole to the right under the red. Put the waiting red into the hole.

Move both blues from right to the middle part and move the right red all the way down. Move the blues back to the right and take the top 2 right positions with blue.

Move a left red all the right and bottom blue from left to a waiting position. Move the hole red to the bottom left, the blue to the hole and the red from the right to the left column. You should have: BRRR, B, BBER.

Move the bottom red on the right to the left waiting position and the blue from the hole to the bottom right. Move all reds from the left column to the waiting area and move the left blue down to bottom left position.

Move two reds back to the left, then the bottom left blue into the waiting area. Move the red from the hole to the bottom left, blue to hole and right red to left column. Finish by moving blue from hole to right column.

If you followed that entire description well done! You just completed the hardest Floor 6 of 100 floors.

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2 Responses to 100 Floors Christmas Walkthrough and Guide – iPad, iPhone and Android

  1. Great job.

  2. What is the answer to #11 the christmas one?????????.