Icon Pop Quiz Famous People Answers – iPad, iPhone and Android

Solutions for level 3 of icon pop quiz Famous People. Level 03 page 3.

David Bowie
Amy Winehouse
Conan o’Brien
Luciano Pavarotti
Morgan Freeman
Robert Pattinson
Lil Wayne
Whoopi Goldberg. Fun fact for Icon Pop Quiz: Goldberg is not her original name. She wanted to be succesful in Hollywood and someone told her the only way to get acting jobs was to have a jewish name. Whoopi changed her name and the rest is history.
Jeff Bridges
Yoko Ono
Howard Stern

This is the end of Icon Pop Quiz Famous People level 3. Next we will cover the answers to level 4.

Answers for level 4 of icon pop quiz Famous People. Level 04 page 1.

Kobe Bryant
Evander Holyfield
Rafael Nadal
Lebron James
Paris Hilton
Nicole Richie
Angelina Jolie
Audrey Hepburn
Julius Caesar
Genghis Khan
Muammar Gaddafi

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398 Responses to Icon Pop Quiz Famous People Answers – iPad, iPhone and Android

  1. You kidding me? You don’t know who Ryan Seacrest is? He is the host of AI he’s also a radio DJ.

  2. And Pitbull is a rapper. He made a collab with J.LO “dance again”, CB “international love”, NEYO & AFROJACK “give me everything” .. How old are you? Why don’t you know those stuffs.

  3. Hi you have spelled rihanna wrong .

  4. A lot of wrong spelling but thank you any way
    ms Otoole.

  5. Hi
    Pittbull is a rapper who is really cool!.

  6. Not hard.

  7. Dahhhhh………………. Ryan secrest is the presenter on American idol i love him.

  8. Blah Blah Blah

    Who is Rhoma Irama?.

  9. Hi
    Ot is a funny.

  10. Okay so Ryan seacrest is the host of American idol hence the American can idol card in his hand and pitbull is a singer…..Do you live in the usa?.

  11. Pitbull is a latino american rapper…thinks he’s something…rapped on Jennifer Lopez’s “On the floor” and Enrique Iglesias’s “I like it” and had a hit on his own with “I know you want me” but is not famous enough to warrant a salute on Pop Icon Quiz…Ryan Seacrest presents American Idol. The card he is holding refers more to Americas Got Talent so a bit confusing.

  12. Ryan seacrest is the host if American idol.

  13. I love abel miller so much.

  14. Ryan sea rest does tons of things. He is the host of American idol. He is a radio host. I think he might act a little too.

  15. You forgot dennis rodman.

  16. Hey there!.

  17. Give the guy/girl some credit! Even though some answers needed the right spelling, well i guess you should have known better. And he/she may not be that kind of person who’s into the music industry & stuff but he did manage to provide us with all the answers that we needed.
    To whoever provided the cheats/answers, WELL DONE :).