Icon Pop Quiz Walkthrough and Guide – iPad, iPhone and Android

Icon Pop Quiz walkthrough and answers guide for the iPad, iPhone and Android devices. The Icon Pop Quiz app has two parts. Tv and Film Quiz answers are covered in this guide. Character quiz solutions are covered in the second guide to Icon Pop Quiz. This guide for Icon Pop Quiz TV and Film Quiz contains tips, help and cheats for completing the quizzes. There are spoilers because this guide gives cheats for what the icons look like in the Icon Pop Quiz game.

Icon Pop Quiz walkthrough. TV and Film Quiz answers and cheats.

Icon Pop Quiz Answers – TV and Film Level 1.

James Bond
Kung Fu Panda
Toy Story
Ice Age
The Avengers
Peter Pan
King Kong

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23 Responses to Icon Pop Quiz Walkthrough and Guide – iPad, iPhone and Android

  1. Pingback: Icon Pop Quiz Answers – iPad, iPhone and Android | NERDr.com

  2. You spelt Pan’s Labyrinth wrong, you have labryinth instead of labyrinth.

  3. The correct term for what Spock is doing is “Live long and prosper” :P.

  4. You spelt Pan’s Labyrinth wrong.

  5. Thanks!.

  6. Good answers.

  7. Thank you for the answers I bet my sister in all the levels……LOL.

  8. Where is level 2,3,and 4??!.

    • You go on the answers your want then you scroll down the page intill you get to where the pages are 1,2,3,4,5 they look like page numbers but they are the numbers of the levels .So you click on 2,3, and 4 because you want the answers to them done! Say thank you please back to me that will make me alot better.

  9. Skipped icon on level 2 slide 1 between jaws and Alice and wonderland…What is it???!!!.

  10. Sorry meant little mermaid.

  11. Jaws and Piranha are two separate answers. Piranha is after jaws.

  12. Easy.

  13. Tv and film level 3.

  14. Where is 234.

  15. Hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hello !!! Got ya.

  16. U skipped one on the first page, u have jaws piranha and then little mermaid, u skipped the one between finding hemp and jaws piranha.

  17. It was a great solution…ran out of money of trying to figure out a lot of these answers…no need for that anymore lol..Thanks again.

  18. There all right.