Nintendo 3ds launch games gameplay videos part 4

Now we are at part 3 of the gameplay video collection for the 3ds.  This article covers:

  1. Steel diver.
  2. Madden NFL football.
  3. Bust a move universe edition.
  4. Combat of giants – Dinosaurs.

Steel Diver
Awesome video showing exactly how to film a good gameplay video for youtube.  Perfect angle of the shot, perfect showing of both screens, no voice over.  This is perfection.  But the game does no seem very interesting at all from this gameplay video.  Maybe it gets better later?  From the IGN entertainment youtube account.

Madden NFL football 2011
Here in the uk we have what americans call soccer.  This looks good and Madden is always popular with any new device.  This will sell well.

BUST A MOVE universe
Very nice video for bust a move universe on the 3ds.  The guy is australian and talks throughout, but it is acceptable for such a well positioned gameplay video.

Combat of giant dinosaurs
2 screens showing how terrible this game is.  Come on guys, don’t buy this so they stop making it.  I like dinosaurs but this is a joke.  2 screens and no talking.  Maybe the person is sad they wasted their money on it?  This is the game they make for children who don’t watch gameplay videos! so watch this and imagine playing something fun instead.

Link to Nintendo 3ds launch titles every gameplay video part 5

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