Perfect escape walkthrough

A quick walkthrough of perfect escape on the iPad. Perfect escape is created by Flyhill games and available from the app store. Go here for my perfect escape 2 walkthrough.

Quick clue: check the map to see hidden items on top of shelves.

There are two rooms, the shopping room and the bathroom. This walkthrough for perfect escape on ipad is not in order because I was typing quickly. Sorry!

Use items in perfect escape by clicking on them and if you are in a place you can use them it will show option to “use”.

The shopping area items are most difficult to get, and the tags for the till. You need two tags and two bottles. use scissors on some of the screens to cut tags from items. The game will not tell you when an item has a tag, so keep tapping all the shelves and items, then open scissors. If it says use then that item has a tag and can be cut.

The perfume near the shopping till is used on the tv screen and the big mirror in the bathroom.

Use map view to find scissors on top shelf and spanner for rust in toilet room.

Use scissors to cut labels off some handbags. Cleanser and dior are in bathroom. One on window near vase, the other near the sink. You need to scan four designer items in total to open till. The order you scan them is found by using perfume on the fashion poster in tv screen.

Make wooden doll and use on small bicycle to get key to power. Switch on power using switch in the green box. You can now use the TV and shopping till.

Set time on clock the same as the big clock tower in the window.

Play tv game to get key. You don’t need to finish the second level!

Use Perfume on tv screen to show brand names on poster. Find these 4 tags/bottles and use on till in order as on the right side of the poster to unlock drawer under till and get key to exit.

Gun on bottom side of toilet.

Bullet in bath, will need to turn power off first. The spanner for the rust is on top of the door, use map to see where it is. Use spanner on tap and this will drain the water.

Use perfume on big mirror in bathroom to see poorly translated clue!

Shoot mirror in shopping room with gun using bullet, then use key to go through and exit. Well done!

The shopping area needs lots of tapping to find hidden things, just keep trying. Perfect escape can be finished, so don’t give up.

Thats the end of the perfect escape walkthrough! I hope you found it helpful. It’s a very short game and for a review it is good if it is free, but I would not pay because it is too short. I got perfect escape free on a free download day.

Update 2 main questions from the comments that you guys are stuck on. Where is the bathroom? And location of all doll pieces…so here goes!

1. Where is the bathroom in perfect escape?

The bathroom is behind the door between the TV and the mirror screens. You will need the key. Make the doll, put doll on bike, get key for power, switch on power, play TV game (you don’t need to finish the second level!!) then key appears under the TV. Use this key to open the bathroom door.

2. Doll piece locations in perfect escape:

Left leg: on power switch screen (green box on wall screen). It is near the white handbag.

Right leg: top shelf under clock. Check map to see location.

Left arm: under middle.helmet in screen with lots of shelves (go 1 left from tv screen).

Right arm: under seat in tv screen.

Head: set clock time to match clock in window. Head appears.

Torso/main body: On helmet screen with lots of shelves, same screen as left arm. It is near the vases on the far right of the screen.

Hope that helps you guys complete perfect escape.

Extra update: anonymous asked in the comments: how to turn off bath in perfect escape and drain water?

First you turn the power off, this stops the shock you get when you touch the bath. Then check the map while you are in the bathroom. You will see the spanner, I think it was above the door. Use this to stop the water, this will automatically drain the water and you can get the bullet.

Anonymous asked: where is the YSL tag?

The YSL handbag tag is on one of the handbags in the main shop area. Click the handbag, then tap on the scissors you’ve already collected and choose “use” to cut the tag. I think the handbag is on the TV screen, bottom left. Difficult to click in the right area, aim for the left side of the bag slightly to zoom it in. For the other tag, try all the items in the shop area until you find the right one. It’s difficult to click in the right place for this part, but keep trying!

Where is the LV tag?

DA from the comments provides these details: The LV tag is on the green power switch screen. Click the white handbag to zoom in, then use the scissors to clip the tag. Done!

Myles asks: where are all the tags/bottles in perfect escape?

Two bottles in the bathroom, one near the sink and the other is near the vase near the window. The two tags are in the shopping room. Click around to zoom in on items, then try to use scissors. i think one is on the power switch wall side and the other on the bathroom door screen under the boat, bottom left handbag. You cannot see the tags, so you have to just try the scissors on every item once zoomed in.

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30 Responses to Perfect escape walkthrough

  1. Where’s the left leg of the wooden puppet? I can’t find it….

  2. Where’s the bathroom?.

  3. Where is all the wooden puppets part? I can’t find the leg….

  4. Where is the leg part?.

  5. Where is the wooden puppet leg?.

  6. How do you find all the wooden doll pieces ? I can’t find the right arm D: pls help.

  7. Where is the bathroom, I don’t find it anywhere?.

    • Ter, the bathroom is through the door you see between the tv screen and the mirror screen.

      Build the doll, put on bike, turn on the power, then play the tv game to get the key to open the door to the bathroom.

  8. Thank you so much for this!!!!!!!!

    I would have never found the scissors without the map thing.

  9. How to turn off the electric bath?How to drain the water in it?.

  10. Where is the YSL bottle/tag?.

  11. Where are all the items( tags/bottles)??.

  12. Hello,

    now i play perfect escape 2. Has anyone the code for the door in the kitchen in the first room?.

    • I’m working on a perfect escape 2 walkthrough right now. Leave tips if I miss things on the comments for that page please!.

  13. Pingback: Perfect escape 2 walkthrough |

  14. How to get the LV tag? I got the other tags or bottles already, just missing the LV one.

  15. How to get the key over the drawer under the till?? I csnt find it!.

    • Hui, do you mean the key from the till? You have to scan the 4 items into the till in the correct order (use them at the till screen). The correct order can be seen when you use the perfume on the poster on the tv screen!.

  16. Owh i see thx!:).

  17. The LV tag is on the white bag on the zoomed screen on the power wall.

    I cannot find the boss tag, where exactly is it? There is no bag on the bottom left of the TV screen.

    • Keep tapping around, it’s very hard to hit the right point, but aim for the bottom left of the shelf. The tiny bit of the shelf you can see on the left side of the TV screen, to the left of the bag.

      Although the game resets after you finish so I can’t check it, so do let me know if you find it somewhere else and i’ll update the guide for others to see.

  18. Finaly found it, on the screen with the bathroom door press on the left side of the bag under the ship and it zooms so you can see the boss tag.

  19. How many levels of the fruit game do u have to play I find the 2nd level too hard??.

  20. Pingback: Perfect Escape 3 Walkthrough |

  21. Thanks for the help. I used a few of your tips to successfully finish Perfect Escape I.

  22. How do u get the Scissors in perfect escape?.

  23. Where is the perfume in Perfect escape, I looked everywhere and clicked everywhere but couldnt find it?.