The Curse Walkthrough and Guide – iPad, iPhone and Android

Puzzle 21 – Rotating picture puzzle.  Rotate the pieces to fix the picture within the time limit.  Ben from the comments brings us the solution screenshot to the tangle puzzle.

Puzzle 22 – Burn the rope number 2.  Start with the left knot with 4 ropes coming into it and go down – Mike Easinsky.

Puzzle 23 – Dominoes number 1.  Solution starts on left, blank-2 and blank-5.  Right is 6-1 and 1-6. The rest of the answer is easy using trial and error. Puzzle 23 dominoes is randomly generated each time you play so no solution is possible. Use every domino piece correctly.

Puzzle 24 – Easy stopper #1 reaction puzzle. Press the stop button when the lights are within the safe zones.

Puzzle 25 – Hamiltonian Hamiltonion number 2. Answer it Bottom, left and top are complete lines.  Middle is trial and error. Screenshot answer from Julias in the comments

and part 2.

Puzzle 26 – Riddle number 4.  You can play me and pull me, I love the naive.  I’m enjoyable to give, but bad to recieve.  Solve the riddle, answer on next line.

Answer is PRANK.  Another Nerdr exlusive.  We’re too good to you.

Puzzle 27 – Lights out 2.  Cool puzzle, hit top left, then second row, second column.  then third row, third column until you get to the end.

Puzzle 28 – Tangram 3 Rabbit ears. Fit the shapes to reconstruct the form of the silhouette. Cheat comes from Julius in the comments –

and Part 2.

Puzzle 29 – Circuit puzzle 2.  Easy, connect the colored circuits.

Puzzle 30 – Sliding Blocks #3. Remove the Mannequin box by sliding blocks. HELP.

Puzzle #31 – Solution to Solitaire number 1 in The Curse App.  Number the top row 01-05, 2nd row 06-10 etc then…08-18, 06-08, 03-13, 01-03, 04-02, 14-04, 05-03, 03-01, 16-06, 01-11, 18-08, 11-13, 08-18, 22-12, 23-13, 12-14, 15-13, 25-15, 10-20, 20-18, 13-23, 24-22, 21-23.  Answer to this first Solitaire puzzle provided by The Math from the comments.

Puzzle 32 – Riddle 5.  If a loop is something you swim in, And a reward is something you open.  The word lever will provide your answer.  Solution is on the next line.

Riddle answer is REVEL.  The words are reversed! loop is pool, reward is drawer.  From Farah in comments.

Puzzle 33 – Burn the rope #3.  Start from the 4 connected knot near the lower right corner.

Puzzle # 34 – Code box. The answer code is different each time so there isn’t really an exact way to win this one. I suggest moving the two tiles on the left down one then hit submit. Keep doing that until you get 2 correct then do the same in the middle and on the right. Solution provided by Julias in the comments of

Question 35 – Untangle 2. Keep moving the pieces until you get as many white connections as possible, then move another. Continue like this to soluve the puzzle and detangle the tangle.

Puzzle 36 – Tangram number 4. The number two silhouette. In order from the top right tip of the two. Red, orange, green, blue, blue, red, yellow.

Puzzle 37 – Mathc-it 2. Medium difficulty, just pick the correct one and find the matching image.

Puzzle 38 – Jars number 2.  1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 1, 2 to 3, 1 to 2, 2 to 3.

Puzzle 39 – Sliding blocks 4 curse app puzzle. HELP.

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394 Responses to The Curse Walkthrough and Guide – iPad, iPhone and Android

  1. I really need help on 12.

  2. Circuit – help.

  3. The trick to puzzle 15 is to put the maniquien in the top left corner, and to get the following pattern on right half of the game board: 2 of the small square blocks on the top row, then 2 tall rectangle blocks underneath them, followed by 2 more small blocks, then the short rectangle. You can then move them little bit by little bit around the board and out.

  4. I haven’t played for a few months, and now I can’t remember where I’m at in the game. Is there a way to tell what puzzles I’ve solved? Thanks.

  5. I’m stuck on the wheel of mischief. Can’t get it to do anything. Help!.

  6. For Lights Out #6:
    Number the circles 1-25 (1st Row: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 2nd Row: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; etc)
    Click 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 19, 21, 22, 23.

  7. For Lights Out #7:
    Following the same format as Lights Out #6:
    4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21.