The Curse Walkthrough and Guide – iPad, iPhone and Android

Puzzle 40 – Riddle 6.  I’m gifted at sensing, when trouble is near.  And when I’m turned backwards, I’m still just as clear.  Solve the riddle answer on next line.

Answer is RADAR.  Finally Nerdr gets an answer!

Puzzle 41 – Draw the line 3. Answer hint QUOTED from Lox in the comments, L5- R5, T3-B4, T1- R7, T3-R4, L7-R4.

Puzzle 42 – Circuits 3. Blue all around outside edge. Green to green direct. Yellow around green. Orange to orange and finally, pink around orange.

Puzzle 43 – Lucas problem.  Lucas problem is an ancient problem with a known solution.  Here is the answer: 1. >>>>_<<<< 2. >>>><_<<< 3. >>>_<><<< 4. >>_><><<< 5. >><>_><<< 6. >><><>_<< 7. >><><><_< 8. >><><_<>< 9. >><_<><>< 10. >_<><><>< 11. _><><><>< 12. <>_><><><

Puzzle 44 – Bulbs 2. Easy, write it down with dots if it helps you solve.

Puzzle 45 – Button Gauge 2. Reaction and timing training. Illuminate all lights at once.

Puzzle 46 – Sliding blocks 5. Mojo Bones and Toy Box seem to love sliding blocks. HELP! leave a comment in the comments section if you get it first.

Puzzle 47 – Burn the rope 4.  Start with the middle knot with 4 strings.

Puzzle 48 – Tangram number 5. Answer is, reconstruct the silhouette.

Puzzle 49 – Lights out number 3. Answer –

and part 2.

Puzzle 50 – 1 to 8. Consecutive numbers don’t touch. Puzzle 50 answer and solution: 6,4 – 2,8,1,7 – 5,3. From in the comments.

Puzzle 51 – Riddle number 7.  I’m at the beginning of time, the middle of years and the end of days.  What am I?  Answer is on next line.

Answer is TEARS.  An old riddle from the 60’s. Tee, then Ear, then S.

Puzzle 52 – Draw the line 4. Solution: First join top left corner to right 7, top 5th nail to bottom 3rd, top 6 to bottom 5, right 2 to bottom 3rd and finally left 2nd to bottom 3rd.  For top and Bottom these are counting left to right and for left and right these are counting top to bottom.

Puzzle 53 – Hamiltonian 3 – Answer

and part 2.

Puzzle 54 – Sliding picture. Solution to complete the picture within the time limit. Ben from the comments adds: this might help a little for the sliding picture, like Sophie was saying, but in less words. Start with the clock and work your way down trying to get the dog then get the picture pieces towards the upper left corner and other pieces just in their general area. Then you can do the small square jumps to put in exact locations. Took me about 5 attempts and I honestly think I got lucky on the”random” arrangement of starting pieces the last time.

and Part 2.

Puzzle 55 – Tangram 6. Hint and Answer is

Puzzle 56 – Sliding Blocks 6. HELP.

Puzzle 57 – Riddle number 8.  You’ll never guess the next letters in this sequence. STIL?????. STIL. Answer on next line.

Answer is NTGNY.  Larry C from comments.  First letter of words in riddle backwards.  Yeah I know right, how were we supposed to get that?

Puzzle 58 – Burn the rope 5.

and part 2.

Puzzle 59 – Combination. Drag the number reels until every row equals 12. Forced it with a little computer program. Arrange three consecutive rows with the following numbers:4 4 2 2, 3 3 3 3, 5 1 1 5. From A in the comments.

Puzzle 60 – Pathway. Momeorize the route and retrace the pathway towards the green square. Fun little memory game.

Puzzle 61 – Dominoes 2. Answer from the comments below. Might be random every time.

Puzzle 62 – Lights out 4. Solution from Steve in the comments for this Lights Out problem:

and Part 2.

Puzzle 63 – Hamiltonian puzzle number 4. Quick solution is

Puzzle 64 – Circuits #4.  Orange is all along the top then down 3, left 7, down 3, right 6, down 3, then left to ending orange. The other colors connect where orange isn’t.  Answer from Weesa in the comments.

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394 Responses to The Curse Walkthrough and Guide – iPad, iPhone and Android

  1. I really need help on 12.

  2. Circuit – help.

  3. The trick to puzzle 15 is to put the maniquien in the top left corner, and to get the following pattern on right half of the game board: 2 of the small square blocks on the top row, then 2 tall rectangle blocks underneath them, followed by 2 more small blocks, then the short rectangle. You can then move them little bit by little bit around the board and out.

  4. I haven’t played for a few months, and now I can’t remember where I’m at in the game. Is there a way to tell what puzzles I’ve solved? Thanks.

  5. I’m stuck on the wheel of mischief. Can’t get it to do anything. Help!.

  6. For Lights Out #6:
    Number the circles 1-25 (1st Row: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 2nd Row: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; etc)
    Click 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 19, 21, 22, 23.

  7. For Lights Out #7:
    Following the same format as Lights Out #6:
    4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21.