The Room Walkthrough and Guide – iPad, iPhone and Android
The Room walkthrough and guide for the iPad, iPhone and Android devices. The Room app is created by Fireproof Games and Fireproof Studios Ltd. This guide for The Room contains hints and tips for completing the puzzles, there are spoilers. … Continue reading
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I was wondering if anyone could help please? I’m at the part where I’ve put all of the cogs on the device, hint says need something to mesh them together. I have the elastic band and screwdriver but can’t seem to get it all to work! Would be really grateful for any help, thanks!.
Elastic band connecting top two cogs? And are you sure you have all the cogs needed?.
Thank you for your reply! I found. Two cogs, it’s still not working!.
Kells, aren’t there 3 cogs? Plus elastic band. And flick the slider switch thing in the bottom left of the cog machine.
Hi Nerd, have you heard any updates on the new updates/game?.
Cindy, I’ve not heard a peep from the Room guys since the game was released. I’d like a new chapter but I suspect they’re working away on Room 2. I’ve just sent them an email for any news.
Would you guys be interested in a Nerdr mailing list for puzzle games? So you sign up and I’ll send out an email every week or so with new puzzle apps and games, guides and news. Reply to this with a yes if you want in!.
Yes, would love that.
Me too.
I can’t get the cross cut key in the sun dial chapter to work? I have it matched up correctly it just work do anything!.
Me too! I don’t know why it won’t go into the lock. All of the keys match the hole and the 2 others are tucked behind the base. It’s KILLING ME! ; ).
Not positive but maybe you have to be looking through the lens when you insert it.
When you set the key remember that you will turn it around to insert it into the lock. So the pattern has to be back to front. Hope that helps.
Put the key away… Tap arrow on right.
Then drag it directly into the lock. Do not double tap key once you have configured it as this opens inventory, not use key. Try not to use too many cheats from here.
I am stuck at the part where the door has flipped down and I have a meter and two switches? I am supposed to click some lights that are in sequence somewhere? I don’t see and lights and am not clear with how the walk thru is describing this…very frustrating. I must have missed something along the way or I am just not getting it….Help is appreciated! Thanks!.
I got it! One of the other replies in this q and a helped and then zoom! I finished the game in lightning speed after that! I want more!.
We all do! I contacted the room guys and they have no new info for now…who knows what’s next.
I am stuck on this same part and tried everything but cannot seem to find the three buttons you are meant to press before timer runs out HELP.
Sup, pinch out to zoom back out and swipe around the table. The buttons are at the same height as the timer box, just on different sides of the tables. Pinch out and swipe around. You’ll see them eventually!.
Once you hit the light on the left, back off and turn the thing until you see another small square along the top rim that’s flipped. Keep going 3 times until you find something.
Hi, I have just found the key behind the moving cogs but not sure which keyhole it fits? If it is the panel above I can’t seem to get it to work…. Any ideas? I’m keen to carry on as really enjoyed it so far…. Thanks.
All sorted, found the keyhole, can’t believe I didn’t see it before. Brilliant game……thanks.
Chapter 3. I have cleared the sequence with the switch/dial puzzle starting with the left hand switch,but when starting with the right hand switch and pressing the subsequent three other switches in time,nothing happens
when I press the last switch other thn that door slams closed.Am missing something?.
What is problem when you get a completely black screen om iPad?.
Turn off and on again?.
Without spoiling it for others, was anyone else completely disappointed with the ending? I loved every minute playing the game, but expected so much more when it was solved.
Yes, me too. But looking forward to more. It is a shame the end wasn’t more dynamic with the last puzzle unfolding as it went so you realized it was the climax.
@the room. Second room,,, at Q shape panel, can’t get in, anybody knows how to open it?.
Hey, in Chapter 3 I have the picture and I put it into the viewing thing and I found the word SIGIL at the cut scene. What do I do now?.
Just realized that i missed the square peg in there WOW….
I’m stuck on the part where you put the elastic band on the cogs. When I opened the drawer I got the cog but not the band and the drawer closed. Now I can’t seem to open it again. Any ideas?
Restart the chapter is the surest fix here bud.
I was afraid of that. At least I’ve figured out everything up to this point so won’t take long.
Thanks for posting this! I so wanted to sole everything on my own, with no “cheating”, and NEARLY made it! It was lining up that block & cylinder to get the shield that got to me. I just couldn’t figure how to turn the scene so the symbol would appear. Rather than grinding my teeth to sand, I finally used the walk through. I can’t eait til the next “room” will be added!.
Well…some bad news I’m afraid. The room app was updated today. No new room, just some bug fixes and retina work.
From my messages with the guys it seems they’re saving any new rooms for The Room 2 (not confirmed, just hinted!).
I just hope they don’t go crazy with the pricing on the sequel. The Room was priced just right I think, I worry they’ll get greedy on The Room 2.
I am stuck at the clock, I tried setting it to 5.06 as clue suggests reversing 6.05, but not working, some help would be great thanks.
Set it to 6:05!.
Can somebody help me please .. I just can’t seem to fit the brass key into the appropriate slot in chapter 3 .. The key handles are in the correct position but the key simply doesn’t fit .. Believe me I’ve tried absolutely everything .. I even restarted the chapter a few times but still nothing .. Is it possible that it’s a bug of some sort? If not, what could I be possibly doing wrong??
Thanks xx.
Is this the multi key key on chapter 3 of The Room Andy? If it is, the correct setup for the key is quite hard to see correctly. Arrange the view behind the key and keep trying different keys for the slots. It does work eventually!.
Yes it is .. What do you mean arrange the view behind the key? All I can see is a blue silhouette shape which depicts how the keys should be arranged .. I positioned the 3 keys the way the silouhette depicts them but when i drag the key to fit the key slot it says “It doesn’t fit like that” =(.
Andy, you didn’t position the right keys correctly. Try different ones, in different positions. Other keys also fit the silhouette, that’s why I suggested moving the view to get a better view. Try again!.
Omg you were right .. Thank you soo much =) xx.
I know right
Enjoy the rest of the game!.
Help! I’m stuck finding the small cog with the peculiar key. When I put the key in and the drawer opens only the medium cog is in there. I’ve restarted the level a few times and even restarted from the beginning and the small cog is still missing. Is this a big? Or is the small cog now somewhere else?? What do I do?.
Two things I’d suggest Sam. First, you know you can take the cogs off the machine too right? Your missing cog might be already attached to the cog machine. If that isn’t it, restart the Room chapter and follow the guide exactly.
I tired restarting the chapter. I did it three time plus to the app off and installed it again. There still is no small cog. Is it a glitch in the game. I have the iphone4s. Should I contact itunes.
Danielle, I don’t think it’s a glitch because some people in these comments who have had the exact same problem and solved it. I can’t remember how though! So look through the older comments on this page to find what they did.
You can also move and pick up the cogs you have already placed on the machine.
Lastly, try following the guide exactly for that chapter. This way you are guaranteed to be doing the exactly right steps. Good luck!.
I can’t get past the clock, I tried setting it as 6:05 but its simply not working, how precise does it have to be? I have tried everything.
Are you sure you’re using the right hands on the clock for hour and minutes?.
Hi mr nerdr: I’m having trouble with the 2nd key and the lock i. The first sequence. It won’t let me open it. I’ve tried and am obviously missing something. I’d like to keep playing but I’m stuck.
Never mind nerdr I looked back and found the answer. Have to look through the lens.
Can get past the last room. The sun amulet part. Can’t rotate to reveal code. Getting super frustrated. Help please.
Never mind. I figured it out. Thanks.
I’m at the same part with the amulet and the sun and can’t seem to get it.
How did you figure it out Caroline…dec. 20 post.
Like many before me, I am stuck at the cross key stage in the sundial room. First of all my key has six parts not five like what most people said. But I have the key configured correctly to the three holes with the remaining three keys down hidden behind the handle. I tried every thing I could think of to get it to open the lock and nothing seems to be working…any ideas!.
Just keep playing with it. I was stuck too. But it suddenly works. Just keep lining up the keys with the background guide then try it in the lock.
Can anyone help me? I’m at the rotating amulet and the hidden arrows on the sundial. I can seem to figure it out. Nothing is happening nd I have been trying all morning. Thank you.
I am stuck on the mirrored panel… Where you need to get the light beam through the hole on the left. Any clues?.
I’m having some trouble in chapter 2. The small cog is missing from the drawer. I have 2 medium cogs, a rubber band and a screwdriver. None of the other cogs can be moved and there is no way to move the screw with what i have. Could this be a glitch? I also noticed there is only one button behind the screwed on panel where the walkthrough has two.
And all of a sudden it worked! Using 2 medium cogs and a rubber band. No small cog needed. I did the same thing I’d tried before but now it worked!.
I was able to get the spin disks into the right place but I don’t know what to do after that.