Doors & Rooms Walkthrough and Guide – iPad, iPhone and Android

Stage 1-12. Code for the floor. Imagine the top row is 123 and the bottom row is 456. The floor code is 625413. The spotlight will be lowered. Tap to pick it up into your inventory.

Dismantle the jar (it wasn’t a spotlight!) to get some items. Dismantle the pill to get a note. Observe the note to see a code. DLUUURDR.

Use the metal tool piece from the jar on the wall slot to make a switch. The final door code is then 7239.

Stage 2-11. Enter code 538 to exit.

Stage 2-12. If the top row are 123, second row is 456 and last row is 789 then the code is 543819672.

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141 Responses to Doors & Rooms Walkthrough and Guide – iPad, iPhone and Android

  1. Do you know the answer to 2-11. It’s the baseball one.

    • The doors and rooms 2-11 answer is in the guide Jenny. It’s in the walkthrough just after the end of chapter 3 because it was in an update not in the original game.

  2. I have no idea how to do 1-12. Help!.

  3. Ahh! I have finally figured out how to get that code for stage 4-9. On the note says “New Sense of Lady”. As the code consists of 8 digits, the words “New Sense” fit in just nice. The portrait on the left represents “North” (note the letter “N” on the wall). “New” simply means “North”, “East”, “West”. Taking the clue of number of jewels on the lady’s necklace, you figure out the rest. :D.

  4. Anybody have any idea how to get 815 in stage 4-10? Spent like 3 days thinking about but still don’t get it, and it’s bothering me! Sure, the 3 stars from each side adds up to the number of the left and right wall, and the planet-like windows definitely meant something.

    • The room is a clock. The moon beams are the hands. The little hand is at 8, the big hand is at 3, which is 8:15.

      • Sorry, I must be very stupid, because I don’t see how you can see a “big hand” and a “small hand” and even less how you get 8:15 out of it….

  5. Uhm how do I do 4-6? My screen is completely blank, no shiny light what so ever. I tried tapping around randomly but doesn’t help. Please help.

    • Hey try holding and dragging the screen because mine was like that too. The light is in the bottom-ish right corner and isn’t very big.

  6. Are you supposed to find a handle for the axe in doors and room 5-1? I seem to find everything in the room but still can’t get out.

  7. @ Lina
    Use sword on floor,right in the middle.

  8. Anyone know how to solve the door puzzle on stage 5-3? The puzzle with the red lions and blue eagles.

  9. How do you get through level 5-2? The one with the chicken on the table..

  10. Have to turn everything to lions and door will open.

  11. That was easy.

  12. Level 5-2? Help.

    • Tina, solution to chapter 5 of doors and rooms are in the chapter 5 guide. Go to the last page of this guide and there should be a link in blue, or look for a link in some of the comments just before this one.

  13. What is with the super creepy eyes behind the door in 4-7, are they important at all….

  14. Has anyone solved 3-8 in Chapter 3? I’m stuck and didnt see it in the walkthru or the comments. Thanks.

    • Quick Chapter 3 Stage 3-8 Doors and Rooms solution for you Mr Wixt. The fallen doctor has a torch in his top pocket. The right trolley has a package hidden under the blanket. Dismantle the package to get a tape. Use the tape on the television to run the news. Note the news channel is called ELSI news. ELSI is 1573 upside down and backwards!

      Enter 1573 in the teddy to get the heart piece. Dismantle the teddy heart to get the three screwdrivers set. Tap near the PIT in the word HOSPITAL on the main ASKARI HOSPITAL counter. Use the torch on this area and it will light the underside of the desk. Get the screwdriver that you can now see under the desk.

      Near the fallen doctor is a wheelchair. Tap this wheelchair and use a screwdriver to open the panel. Inside are three batteries to take. There is a yellow and red toy robot on the floor in the middle of the lobby. Tap this robot, use a screwdriver and extract some batteries from it. Dismantle the torch twice to get another battery.

      Tap around the presents near the Christmas tree to zoom in to a battery holder. Place the 5 batteries you have. The main three go on the right, the set of two batteries goes on the left. The final battery from the torch goes in the top left.

      The final code to exit Stage 3-8 is 583271496.

  15. Level 2-8…. Can’t seem to be able to pick up all the coins There are 7 that I apparently can’t get. Have tapped the screen everywhere and nothing else is happening. Please help!!!.

  16. Hey on level 4-6 after I open the mummy’s mouth I can’t get any letters like it says I keep getting game overs.
    Can anyone help me please?.

  17. 2-14 please :(.

    • Doors and Rooms Chapter 2 stage 2-14 solution. A 1 means light it and a 0 means do not light. Top row: 000, second row 110, third row 111.

  18. What is the logic behind the final answerin stage 3-8?.

  19. Is there any way to open all levels? When i updated the game, the new levels needed to be opened by purchasing. Any other way? By new levels i mean stage 3-8, 2-14 2-13 2-12 etc.

    • Not that I know. The strategy for Doors and Rooms is to keep releasing updates and charging people more and more gold coins to unlock them. Then selling those gold points for money.

  20. I need help with the first stage of claustrophobia(4-1)… I don’t know what to do with the floor and numbers. Help!.

  21. Hello world.

  22. For claustrophobia 4 I don’t get how to use an abacus.

  23. Does anyone know the code for 4-11? I’m kinda stuck.