Nintendo 3ds launch title gameplay videos part 3

Now we are at part 3 of the gameplay video collection for the 3ds.  This article covers:

  1. Asphalt 3ds.
  2. Samurai Warriors 3ds
  3. Splinter cell 3d
  4. Rayman 3ds

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Nintendo 3ds launch games gameplay videos part 2

Welcome to part 2 of the gameplay video roundup for the nintendo 3ds.  This article covers:

  1. Nintendogs 3ds.
  2. Super street fighter 4.
  3. Pro evolution Soccer 2011 3ds version.
  4. Super monkeyball 3ds.

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Nintendo 3ds launch titles every gameplay video part 1

Welcome to the Nerdr gameplay video roundup for EVERY nintendo 3ds launch game available right now for your new 3d ds.

This is as complete a list as you will ever find, covering all 3ds launch titles with a gameplay video for each one.

First some rules for the best videos:

  • As little talking as possible.
  • Only a small introduction part allowed.
  • Played on a real 3DS – no trailers, and nothing recorded from a  computer screen.
  • Must show actual gameplay, not just cutscenes and startup screens.
  • You can click on the title of the 3ds game and see reviews before you buy it.  Nerdr wants you to be happy before you pay for something with your hard earned cash!

With all that said, here is the full list of 3ds launch games we will be covering:

blue 3ds gameplay

  1. Pilotwings Resort 3ds
  2. Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Shadow wars
  3. Nintendogs – all 3 together
  4. Super street fighter 4 3ds edition
  5. Pro evolution soccer 2011 3ds
  6. Super monkey ball 3d
  7. Asphalt 3d
  8. Samurai Warriors
  9. splinter cell 3ds
  10. rayman 3ds
  11. steel diver
  12. madden NFL football
  13. BUST A MOVE universe
  14. combat of giant dinosaurs
  15. Ridge racer 3d
  16. Sims 3ds
  17. Lego star wars 3ds

Right, thats the full list guys, let’s get started!

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How to check if your username is banned from reddit

Moving on from the last post of checking your URL has been banned on the social media bookmarking website (also known as the imgur linking machine) we now take a look at how to tell if your actual username itself is banned or listed as a spammer.

Note:  I keep emphasizing the need to make interesting, content filled posts in the following system.  The reason is because you want to get votes.  Either up or down (ideally up of course) and further, you want to get some comments on your comment.

How to check if you have been listed as a spammer: Continue reading

How to check if you are banned from reddit

How to check if your site and url are blocked on reddit.  Useful if you are wondering “why is my website banned from reddit”!

Use this method to check if your website has been blocked on the social news media website. I don’t use so not sure how to check that one.  Part 2 is here: How to check if your username is banned on

If when you submit your link and hit refresh (F5),

  • The vote count goes to 0, this is a sign that its been reported to the moderators and is now in the moderation system for checking.

The most absolute spam url/user check for reddit is: