What’s the Icon Answers, Cheats, Solutions

What’s the Icon answers from everyone here! The app is made by game makers Cheat Master and Friends LLC. These solutions and cheats cover the first 30 levels and have a description of each icon made pic before giving the … Continue reading

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8 Responses to What’s the Icon Answers, Cheats, Solutions

  1. Heart shaped bread with knife, 6 letters (R G C W P E D I M S A N).

  2. Level 98 looks like its from a movie stars with d clue given is : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d o t a g p n w k f f w u.

  3. I’m on level 47 and it looks like Stealth but I have two words and only here’s how it looks. _ _ _ _ _
    _ _ _ K…… And only letters I have left is HWHTGNAI.

  4. Saturn is a brand of cars. Like the Saturn Ion. :).

  5. What level 2 in icomania, #25 ==green signal sign? 7 letters word XAYSOTFRPID.

  6. 27 in what icon, is not Mario or dumbo, I’m trying to figure this need help.