Icomania Answers – iPhone, iPad and Android

Icomania Answers. These are all the answers to the Icomania app on iPhone, Android and iPad. These solutions and cheats for the Icomania game are spoilers so only use if you want to cheat. Icomania is made by Friends GMBH. … Continue reading

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101 Responses to Icomania Answers – iPhone, iPad and Android

  1. Got it che no ch thank not zee!! :).

  2. What is level 3 #83 ? It’s like 2 s’s and I’ve no clue.

  3. Black shadowed face with what looks like a big beard and a red star.

  4. Need help… Accidentally sent a letter I need to the trash. Can it be recovered or undone?.

  5. Easy.

  6. If I restart the app. Won’t I go back to level one?.

  7. Hey need help Level 3 #59 famous people two words. Thank you.

  8. Thanks for the help :).

  9. Hey i need help with #82 . Black backround with shades.

  10. What is the on with sunglasses and an airplanes. Its a brand.

  11. Orange space shuttle? Made me laugh at loud and then feel old even though I’m only twenty-one. The author of this article is adorable.

  12. Wow, that was easy.

  13. What is the answer for level 4 question 113?.

  14. What is level 3 # 54.

  15. What is the one it is a green “bubble” w/ white outline shaped like a cartoon msg of a characters lines? Such as having a conversation they use these to outline the words.

  16. Iconmania, level 4 number 140 a black oval, or letter O
    Can’t get pages 2 and 3 to open on cheat!.

  17. I neeeed help! ((plz & ty))

    Level 11 puzzle #360, Brand, 5 letters…Circle, half green, half blue, with a cross in the middle?

    Available letters are:: Y E J R O W U R G L Q B E A.

  18. What is the answer to #91- it’s like a women with a needle in her chest
    It says ‘Tv & Movies’????? Need help.

  19. Does anyone have the answer for #350? It’s a famous person = a woman with black hair and a red dress! 9 letters.

  20. I need help. What is the answer to level 3 #76. Its a brand, 4 letters. . . .

  21. Hi guys stuck on a brand with blue and red red look like an e and blue looks like s.

  22. Stuck on the one with black background and sunglasses with a target on the left lens. 10 letters.

  23. Stuck on a brand with a red triangle sort of thing in the middle, and two blue e’s above that. There’s also a blue… squiggle… underneath.

  24. Stuck at the part where There are 10 letter . 3 Up and 7 below.

  25. I no you mist one.

  26. K. L. Schichtel

    Leven 146 – Black beard with mustasche w/ sunglasses looking up in the right hand corner – Actor Help!!!.