Buying Ipad 2 already have Ipad 1

buying an Ipad 2 when you already have an Ipad 1?

Someone asked me today, Should they buy an Apple Ipad 2 if they already own the Ipad 1? My advice to them was a fairly clear no.  Admittedly, it was not a 100% clear answer of NO.  Just a pretty sure its a no on the buy.  Here are the reasons I gave:

  • Ipad 3 coming in September with possibly rumored to be retina display.  Thats just 6 months away to the ipad 3.  At the moment, the Ipad 2 display is a significantly lower resolution than what it should be as far as i’m concerned.  It needed to have the retina display, but apple and steve jobs decided not to go for it.  It just really seems like the Ipad 2 is Continue reading

Ipad 2 Ebay statistics

We now have some statistics direct from Ebay headquarters regarding the Apple Ipad 2.  Heres the rundown of the stats covering 2 weeks following the US first exposure sale date of Friday, 11th of March:

  • 35% of Ipad 2 sales on Ebay were to overseas buyers.  Leaving 65% for internal to the US buyers.  Contrast this with the exact opposite last year on release of the Ipad 1 which is no doubt caused by the 6 week delay in new Ipad orders this year.
  • Total Ipad 2 sales over the 2 week period amounted to 12,000.
  • Most popular model for purchase was the Ipad 2 16GB WIFI with no 3g model (the one i’d buy!).
  • In terms of profit margins for sellers Continue reading

Diggs version 4 success story

Digg didn’t fail it succeeded

Many have claimed the version 4 redesign of was a disaster. I say otherwise and heres why:

Under version 3 of the website, they clearly had the numbers. They had an at times frankly enormous amount of traffic and yet an incredibly small amount of advertising revenue in comparison. I’d suggest this was for two reasons.

Firstly, the users of Digg were advanced computer geeks and teenagers. These guys had learnt over time to click only on those things worth clicking. They stay for the Continue reading privacy concerns

For those who have not heard, have released an app.  Let me tell you what it does.  It lets you take a picture at the same time others are taking a picture around you and joins them together.  Sorta.

Wait, is that it Nerdr?  well, not quite.  You see the reason its major news (other than their significant online marketing budget) is the $41 MILLION dollars (Yes, thats dollar dollars for you English and finance majors – but I bet you Art majors didn’t even bat an eyelid!)  they secured to fund  the whole thing from none other than seqoia capital investments.  Yes, thats the same Seqoia capital investments venture capital firm that bought in to Google before it was the “in thing”.  Back in the altavista days of search engines.

And now they’re in to  What does that now mean?  With the significant market power this venture capital firm now has at its disposal, with some powerful friends in very high places, it is clear Continue reading

Motorola Xoom Androidtablet non review

Android Tablet – the Xoom Day 0 review or alternative title: why I didn’t buy one.

Here we are again.  The Android Xoom.  Such a promising device!  Alas it was not to be.  With Motorola and Adobe together crippling the devices Memory card ability and flash STILL not being available after so long I had to give up on buying one.

Then theres the price.  I understand it has Android 3.0 (codenamed Honeycomb), but is it really that great?  Especially considering the Ipad 2 having been released at about the same time.  This information, together with the Ipad 3 supposedly being released at the end of the year makes it a bad buy.  Personally, I just couldn’t justify the price point for the features I was getting.

We’ve all known companies and purchased products that promise continuous updates and features in the future which never materialize and that is a significant risk when Continue reading